by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/28/02

Those who grow up in a big city and are political commentators, sort 
of know things by second nature. If they are outspoken, they may even 
describe their lifelong home-town, right to the point, with a few 

Some years ago, for a period of time, I opened my Chicago-based 
recorded phone commentary message [(773) 731-1100], with "This is 
Sherman Skolnick, from the mafia-CIA capital of the world". 

After a while, because of numerous examples, I and my associates came 
to understand the names of the large law firms and accounting houses 
that are part of the espionage/criminal cartel. One such has been 
Arthur Andersen & Company. 

In Chicago, in years past, two Federal District Judges, by the 
greatest non-coincidence and mysterious forces, had slipped onto 
their dockets most all of the cases in the nation involving the 
American CIA. [Assignment of cases, as we have pointed out, is one of 
the main steps of the BIG FIX.] 

One such judge was George Leighton. As shown by records uncovered by 
us in the National Archives, Leighton had been in 1963 the secret CIA 
attorney for Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA created patsy and falsely 
blamed "lone assassin" of President John F. Kennedy. Judge Leighton, 
without jurisdiction over me, once tried to falsely jail me as an 
assassination researcher. But that is a story for another day.

Another one of CIA's Judges in Chicago was U.S. District Judge Hubert 
L. Will. In the 1950s, he had been CIA's Chief of Counter-
Intelligence in Europe, stationed in Berlin. It was thus natural that 
in 1970 my suit against the National Archives and Record Service was 
assigned to him. For the only time in U.S. history, somehow eleven 
secret documents had been purloined from the Archives. Falling into 
my possession, attached to my suit, they showed that the U.S. Secret 
Service had covered up a plot to assassinate President Kennedy in 
Chicago on the way to his appearance at a football game, two and a 
half weeks before being actually murdered in Dallas. Part of the 
cover-up was to falsely jail the first black Secret Service agent, 
Abraham Bolden, assigned to guarding the President at his residence. 
A person as a double for "Lee Harvey Oswald", was waiting along the 
proposed parade route to murder the President.

In Court, I confronted Judge Will, holding in my hand as an Exhibit, 
a copy of the book, published in Europe but banned from distribution 
in the U.S., "Who's Who in CIA". [I and my associates were about the 
only ones in the U.S. who somehow had copies. We gave them away at 
college speeches in return for small donations. Alas, no more copies 
are left.] 

"I'm not with them anymore", the Judge poo-pooed my demand that he 
step aside. "Come on now, Judge," I reasoned with him, "The CIA is a 
mail-box, once you are in, you are there even if later you claim to 
be on the bench". He denied my request to recuse himself. Naturally, 
the CIA and the U.S. Secret Service, involved in the suit, won. I was 
put out of Court without further legal formality. "THE ENRON BLACK 
MAGIC", Part Four continued, by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/28/02 

Not a coincidence, later in the 1970s, Judge Will had the case 
involving the embezzlement of Rockefeller's unit, First National Bank 
of Chicago. [To confuse matters since then, they have changed their 
name to Bank One.] Millions and millions of dollars disappeared from 
the bank's branch in Athens, Greece. Sources told us it was 
a "permitted" rip-off by the American CIA to secretly finance the 
Greek mafia to do dirty tricks against political dissidents. 

The bank's auditors and consultants were Arthur Andersen & Co., with 
a long previous history of being reportedly instrumental with the 
Mafia/CIA activities in Chicago. [For background, study the details, 
believed by savvy sorts to be accurate, in the book written by family 
members of CIA gangster/assassination arranger "Momo" Giancana---how 
the CIA uses mobsters like "Momo", then later murders them by way of 
throwing them away, "Double Cross The Explosive Inside Story of the 
Mobsters Who Controlled America, Vol. 1," by Sam Giancana and Chuck 
Giancana (contributor), Mass Market Paperback, Warner Books, Inc., 
1993. It deals with the great dangers of trusting the Kennedy Family 
and the American CIA. 

A kingpin in Arthur Andersen's law firm was R. Sargent Shriver who 
was married into the family of "Founding Father" Joseph P. Kennedy 
and his assassinated sons, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. 
About 1975, Shriver was the speaker at Rockefeller Chapel, on the 
campus of Rockefeller's University of Chicago. Shriver's speech was 
about "International Relations". After the speech, we interviewed 
Shriver as the attorney for Arthur Andersen & Co., on tape, in the 
doorway of the Chapel. 

We grilled Shriver about how his client, Arthur Andersen & Co., is 
beating back a subpoena in the First National Bank embezzlement case, 
by switching their structure to overseas, to a Swiss form of 

Shriver went into a discussion of how his client, Arthur Andersen & 
Co., had the right to move their business structure to Switzerland, 
beyond the jurisdiction of Judge Will and a subpoena, and reform 
themselves in a European-style operation called Societe Generale 
[which is neither a partnership, limited or otherwise, as U.S. 
practices require of lawyers and accountants, nor a corporation, 
limited or otherwise.] He did not adequately explain why it was done 
just as they had to respond to a court subpoena. He denied it was 
simply to evade the subpoena, although done apparently just at that 
point in the litigation. 

Although I was known by Judge Will as a judge-buster and long-time 
critic of his patron, the American CIA, the Judge occasionally would 
have brief talks with me outside of court. In front of the 
courthouse, I asked, "Judge, why did you permit Arthur Andersen and 
their attorneys to block pertinent data from subpoena in the First 
National Bank embezzlement case?" 

Matter-of-a-factly, he quickly responded, "National security. It had 
to be done." I insisted, "But Judge, millions and millions of dollars 
disappeared from the Athens branch. Arthur Andersen and their 
attorneys are covering it up". [Obvious and left unsaid by me, was 
that Judge Will was likewise covering it up in his Court.] I did not 
want to ask the Judge about his CIA cronies. I figured he would walk 
away from me and not talk to me at all if I asked that. The Judge 
repeated, "National security. Part of eight such events.It was 
necessary." WOW! Eight such embezzlements covered up. 

Another Mafia/CIA example is First National Bank of Cicero. This 
worldwide money laundry for the criminal/espionage cabal, has been 
the headquarters in the Chicago mafia enclave of Cicero, known 
locally as Al Capone Land. The Bishop from the local Catholic Church 
there was Paul Marcinkus. Even after he left Cicero to become head of 
the Vatican Bank, he nevertheless continued to be the dominant force 
calling the shots as to the bank in Cicero. [To confuse matters, the 
bank has changed their name several times. Such as, they became the 
flagship of Pinnacle Banc Group, the alter ego and successor to 
supposedly defunct and infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce 
International, BCCI, and then various other names, such as Old Kent 

The Vatican under international law is a separate sovereignty. So, in 
November, 1991, when Marcinkus fled Italy to return to Chicago, he 
did so under the protection of his Vatican passport and position. The 
Italian authorities contend they want him extradited, to question him 
and presumably to prosecute him, for being the key player, along with 
reportedly the Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain, and others, in 
worldwide trafficking in stolen and smuggled gold, selling to state-
sponsored terrorists osmium nuclear bomb triggers, high quality 
counterfeit currencies, and various types of financial dirty tricks. 
All done and supervised by Marcinkus as Vatican Bank Chief jointly 
with the traditional and other mafia, and the American CIA. A retired 
CIA bribery paymaster, Roger D'Onoffrio, with dual U.S. and Italian 
citizenship, living near Naples, was part of the Marcinkus gang. 
Various stories on this, early in December, 1995, were carried, date-
line Rome, by wire services, Reuters, Associated Press, and United 
Press International. 

After Marcinkus returned to the Chicago-area, we interviewed, on 
tape, the Italian Consul-General in Chicago. We asked whether he was 
taking any action to return Marcinkus to Italy to face the charges. 
The Italian diplomat said that, so far, he was not asked to do so. 
Marcinkus thereafter left Chicago to reside in Sun City, Arizona. 

Shortly after Marcinkus' return to Chicago, an important official of 
the Chicago U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Wallace Lieberman, was found 
murdered, gangland-style. His body was found several blocks away from 
the First National Bank of Cicero, just before Christmas, 1991. 

On-location at the murder site, behind an auto repair shop, and again 
at the nearby bank, we did a one-hour television documentary for our 
public access Cable TV Show in Chicago. No other media outlets took 
much interest in this political assassination. 

Top officials of Arthur Andersen, including a managing partner, 
supervised the accounting and consulting for the First National Bank 
of Cicero, reportedly at the behest of Bishop Marcinkus. Andersen and 
their lawyers [now called Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson] 
for decades have specialized in handling reputed secret book-cooking 
and clandestine investments for the Catholic hierarchy, in various 
places in the U.S. and overseas. 

At the time Marcinkus fled Italy for Chicago, Wallace Lieberman was 
scheduled to testify before a Federal Grand Jury in Chicago. His 
testimony together with that of others, was expected to be reportedly 
the basis for federal criminal indictment of top officials of Arthur 
Andersen, their attorneys, several bribe-taking Bankruptcy judges and 
their lawyer-cronies as bribe-arrangers. Also facing possible 
indictment were officials of the First National Bank of Cicero 
jointly with those of Household International, Household Bank, and 
Household Finance. 

In December, 1991, a few days before the murder of key witness 
Wallace Lieberman, I discussed (I thought in confidence) with a 
Chicago FBI official in the office of an assistant U.S. Attorney in 
Chicago. I related what our investigation, as a public interest 
group, had uncovered about Lieberman, the court-authorized bankruptcy 
auctioneer; the Bankruptcy court bribery; the crooked role of Arthur 
Andersen and their attorneys; and Household and the bank in Cicero 
and Paul Marcinkus; and secret Vatican funds in the Continental Bank 
of Chicago, a major owner of which and corrupt collaborator was Chief 
Judge Walter Cummings of the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, 
Chicago. Banker-Judge Cummings was a "man of trust" for the Church, 
sworn to keep their transactions secret. 

Up to that point having long-time corrupt immunity from federal 
criminal prosecution had been Lieberman and his auction business 
partner, Robert Belavia, a well-known, allowed-to-run-wild gangster. 
[After Lieberman was murdered, suddenly the highly corrupt top IRS 
brass in Chicago woke up and decided it was necessary to silence 
Belavia by belatedly putting him in jail, with the aid of the 
Injustice Department, on long-known tax cheating.] 

Lieberman was murdered right before Christmas, and the Chicago 
Tribune printed the watered-down story on the holiday, when most 
people had other things on their mind. (Chicago Tribune, Wallace 
Lieberman, Belavia story, December 25, 1991.) 

Do the Chicago FBI and the federal prosecutors protect key witnesses, 
or jointly and corruptly with the Mob, the CIA, and crooked bankers 
and accountants, arrange to snuff them out? Later, I found out the 
Assistant prosecutor I spoke to went on special assignment in the 
Oklahoma City federal building bombing case, as a cover up and 
whitewash of high-level government prior knowledge, April 19, 1995. 

Earlier, I had been aware that FBI corruption arranged for an 
apparent known mobster---now get this---to be on a Federal Grand Jury 
for a period of time, supposedly investigating mob activities! And he 
leaked secret Grand Jury data for the benefit of the criminals. [The 
case of reputed gangster Robert Girardi, as a grand juror, in highly 
censored stories, Chicago Tribune, January 19 and 21, 1994.] 

Reportedly closely linked to the underworld, overlapping the American 
CIA, Arthur Andersen has been the auditor and consultants for 
Household International, parent of Household Bank [reputed mortgage 
swindlers] and Household Finance [apparent loan-sharks]. A short 

For about a decade, the American CIA operated the Nugan Hand Bank as 
an adjunct and proprietary, laundering political assassination and 
covert operations funding. Former Director of Central Intelligence, 
the spyshop umbrella position, was William Colby, who was General 
Counsel of Nugan Hand Bank. The bank operated worldwide units headed 
by retired U.S. Generals, black operations chieftains, and official 
U.S. government pirates. 

The bank became defunct and most of its records destroyed, after a co-
founder of the bank was found murdered in 1980. On his body was the 
business card of William Colby. Lots of details in the book "The 
Crimes of Patriots A True Story of Dope, Dirty Money, and the CIA" by 
Jonathan Kwitny, hardback, W.W. Norton, 1987. 

The successor to Nugan Hand Bank has been Household International, 
with units at one time in Australia, then California, London, and 
elsewhere. Later, their world headquarters became Prospect Heights, a 
Chicago suburb conveniently we claim, to a suburban airport where 
dope comes in from the Orient with complete immunity. [We did a 
television show on location about this.] 

William Colby was also the unlisted General Counsel of Household 
International, likewise a CIA adjunct and proprietary. As a 
supposedly "private" firm for CIA, Household is immune from 
disclosures by requests under the Freedom of Information Act. In 
retirement from CIA, Colby tended to be outspoken. He formed an 
espionage electronic board game, as a partnership business, with the 
retired head of the Soviet Secret Police, the KGB. Colby knew 
entirely too much first hand about Household. Colby was murdered in 
1996, made to look like a supposed boating accident. His widow, a top 
international banking executive, knew to be silent thereafter. 
Colby's closest friends, interviewed by us, insist from apparent 
direct knowledge that he was murdered. 

As the secret general counsel of Household, Colby was well aware that 
units of Household in Arkansas reportedly laundered hundreds of 
millions of dollars of CIA dope trafficking loot from several 
southern states, including the Rockefeller bastion of Arkansas. [For 
Arkansas/Rockefeller details, see our website series, "Wal-Mart and 
the Red Chinese Secret Police".] 

Although starting out as a reputed "loan-sharking" operation and 
later apparent crooked handling of mortgages, Household's clandestine 
cash flood was later disguised as soybean and currency trading on the 
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago 
Board Options Exchange, and the Chicago Stock Exchange(formerly the 
scandal-ridden Midwest Stock Exchange where there had been, according 
to little known court records, massive misapplication of funds 
ostensibly overlooked by the corrupt top IRS officials in Chicago.] 

A whole series of little-known court cases shows, and not disputed, 
that Household and First National Bank of Cicero, with the connivance 
of Arthur Andersen brass, made 50 million dollars disappear of 
federal agency money. The funds were to be safeguarded, that is 
escrowed, by Household, to make good the long-pending claims of bank-
fraud by a Chicago-area contractor. 

A close family friend of Hillary Rodham Clinton, namely lawyer John 
E. Gierum of Park Ridge (the Chicago suburb where Hillary is from) 
supervised the clandestine and illegal transfer of the funds to 
Little Rock. From there, it was sent out of the country, to a known 
dope money center in the Caribbean. 

Congressman Dan Burton (R., Indiana) began commenting on this 
mysterious 50 million dollars and how Clinton, as Governor, sent it 
to a known dope money center. Congressional Record, May 29, 1996, 
pages H5627-5628. Although Burton said he has the documents and will 
soon put more details into the Congressional Record, someone 
evidently threatened him and this was his only public statement on 
the 50 million dollars. 

It was "laundered" in the Caribbean (a combination of Barbados and 
the Grand Cayman Islands), with the corrupt aid of Daddy Bush; 
Congressman Henry Hyde (R., Ill.), who is also head of CIA's "black 
budget", sometimes embezzled funds for political assassinations and 
other bloody tricks; and Ollie North [all three implicated with Bill 
Clinton in the CIA/dope caper through the Mena, Arkansas airport]. 

After thus being disguised as soybean and currency trading on the 
Chicago markets, the funds returned to the U.S. and were used as 

[1] 47 million dollars was used to cover up a 47 million dollar 
misapplication by Bill and Hillary Clinton of funds from Madison 
Guaranty Savings & Loan of Little Rock, the thrift owned by Jim 
McDougal and his estranged wife Susan. In jail, Jim was murdered to 
silence him as a witness against Bill and Hillary who would have been 
subject to federal criminal prosecution and jailing for bank 

[2] The remaining difference of the mysterious 50 million dollar 
theft, was three million dollars. That was used by Clinton 1992 
Presidential Campaign reputed blackmailer and bagman, Rahm Emanuel. 
Reference to the three million dollars is in a highly censored 
magazine cover story about Rahm Emanuel and how he raises money for 
Clinton by strong-arm methods. Chicago Tribune Magazine, November 23, 
1997. The three million dollars, according to the Tribune item, 
effectively jump-started Clinton's campaign, in November 1991, so he 
get ahead of others. 

An expert on reportedly disguising funds through the Chicago 
Mercantile Exchange, Rahm Emanuel, off and on for six years, was 
Clinton White House Senior Advisor. Rahm bragged on a Chicago TV Show 
that his desk was the closest to the door to the Oval Office. Rahm 
was also apparently the Acting Chief, for North America, of Israel 
Intelligence, The Mossad [The Institute]. Rahm has dual citizenship. 

The foregoing has been excerpted from various undisputed and detailed 
state and federal court records. 

>From his acts, it appears Rahm Emanuel was a form of double-agent. 
Openly, he was a Clinton loyalist. But he apparently was also the spy 
handler of sex/spy operative Monica Lewinsky. The purpose being to 
blackmail and manipulate Clinton. Visit our website series 
on "Chandra Levy" for details. 

Former Enron vice-chairman, J. Clifford Baxter, was 
apparently "suicided" to protect the White House and Daddy Bush and 
his Family. This was similar to the way Clinton White House Deputy 
Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was likewise "suicided" early in the 
Clinton Administration to prevent testimony from being available that 
most likely would have sent President Clinton and his wife to federal 

Baxter's reputed "smoking gun" documents are apparently circulating 
in the alternative media underground. They show the numerous Enron 
secret partnerships relating to the following 

===the laundering of part of 40 million dollars of dope trafficking 
funds of the Medellin Colombia dope cartel, a co-founder of which was 
Carlos Lehder, a business partner of the Bush Family, according to 
hands-tied law enforcement personnel. With the connivance of Daddy 
Bush, as the former head of the American Secret Political Police, 
Lehder's fellow co-founder, Pablo Escobar, was assassinated to 
protect the Bush Family from federal criminal prosecutions. 

===Baxter knew about how James Baker 3rd, cabinet member in the Daddy 
Bush White House Administration, together with Marc Racicot 
[pronounced ROSS-coe] reportedly used part of the 40 million dollars 
of dope funds to bribe and influence southern Florida DEMOCRATS to 
block the vote recount. The result although Al Gore, Jr., won the 
popular vote nationwide by six hundred thousand votes, he lost by way 
of the Electoral College trick in Florida and was not inaugurated. 
[Visit our year 2000 Election website series, comparing the situation 
to the infamous 1876 Election.] 

===Federal Reserve Commissar Alan Redspan [that is what we call the 
Dictator] siphoned off hundreds of millions of secret Enron 
partnership funds, multiplied through fractional reserves and 
derivatives hocus-pucus, to temporarily support the Dow Jones 30 
Industrials. Thus for the moment saving Bush from having to deal with 
a financial meltdown which he most likely could not effectively deal 
with. Old-timers say Bush was in danger of being "Hoover-ized", 
referring to President Herbert Hoover, 1930-31, falsely 
stating "prosperity is just around the corner". The September 11 
events effectively prevented for the moment Bush having to deal with 
a gold stampede which would tend to discredit the Federal Reserve's 
hot-air paper money masquerading as the "U.S. Dollar". [See part two 
of this Enron website series.] 

===documents tending to show direct links to the Enron secret 
partnership funds, offshore, with George W. Bush and Richard Cheney. 
This might cause the downfall of the American Government as we know 
it. [For background, visit our website series, "The Overthrow of the 
American Republic".] 

Baxter offered to co-operate with one or more Congressional 
committees. His testimony, from direct personal knowledge, with his 
documents, would tend to destroy George W. Bush and Richard Cheney as 
having concealed their direct links to the massive Enron swindles. 
Baxter also apparently was ready to break ranks with the other Enron 
officials and directors, who together are defendants with Baxter in 
various class action pending court cases. Further, Baxter's direct 
knowledge and documents would tend to expose beyond salvage, Arthur 
Andersen as a corrupt auditing and consulting operation, that cannot 
be relied on to supposedly examine the books of publicly-traded firms 
and consult with them about their operations. 

Aiding the class action plaintiffs in their claims, Baxter would have 
broken up the otherwise united front and defense of the Enron 

Notice that Baxter was "suicided" in Sugarland, Texas, same location 
as the oil pipeline consortium had for negotiating with the top 
Taliban officials on behalf of Osama bin Laden. [Visit our website 
item, "The Pipeline Plots".] 

There is a half-a-loaf explanation for the demise of J. Clifford 
Baxter.Was Baxter done in by the American Secret Political Police 
like inflicted on World War Two German General Edwin Rommel by the 
Gestapo (for plotting against Hitler)? 

"You are endangering our leader. Here is a gun. Go shoot yourself. If 
not, we are here to shoot you. Either way, we guarantee the safety of 
your family." 

Arthur Andersen, with the apparent connivance of Enron and Marc Rich 
International, has caused various Archdiocese units of the Catholic 
Church to be swindled out of large sums of money "invested" in Enron 
stock and secret Enron partnerships. Among others, this includes 
Chicago and Milwaukee. Remember, the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago 
is also the Treasurer for the whole Church in the Western Hemisphere, 
North and South America and Central America. The funds, including 
that of the Vatican, through Chicago were traditionally deposited in 
the Continental Bank of Chicago, with major bank-owner, Chief Judge 
of the federal appeals court Walter Cummings, Jr., a "man of trust" 
for the Church. The bank was taken over by Bank of America, owned 
principally by the Jesuits, the French Rothschilds, and more and 
more, by the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza. Continental Bank and then 
Bank of America, has been the major secret dirty money transaction 
point for Marc Rich International jointly with Enron and the secret 
partnerships. Also, in part, through the Chicago markets. 

For decades, traditionally, Arthur Andersen and the Shriver lawfirm, 
specialized in handling Catholic Church book-keeping, so-called 
secret "investments", and how to operate apparently in a clandestine 
manner, supposedly for the good of the laity. 

Some consider what Arthur Andersen & Co. has apparently done to the 
Church, damaging them financially, is an unforgiveable violation of 
Church doctrine and provisions. One of those who knew a great deal 
about the secret partnerships, and the documents outlining the same, 
was Baxter who had been CEO of Enron North America, and since June 
2000, chief strategy officer of Enron Corp. 

Are others of the Big Five Accounting firms likewise apparent vast 
operations, on occasion cooking the books of various companies? 

More coming. Stay tuned. 


Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, 
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 
disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and 
political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, 
moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV 
Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in 
Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. 
funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 
9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee to 
Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South 
Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to 
midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before 
sending FAX, call. 

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