>>(Yeah, if anyone spots a truly relevant item, commenting on it is 
welcome. Or posting a URL. But simple game theory says that it's best that 
people don't just bounce things they read to our list, something Choate, 
mattd, and Jei seem to not understand.) <<

I store articles that interest me here.Filter me out and I'm happy as a pig 
in shit.Of course if you comment on me or my posts Ill try and respond 
quickly.I'm not in the habit of posting mainstream and/corporate 
stories/news.If I do its generally from a non-american perspective.I don't 
take up any more space than some of the hard spam dumped here.
I've also paid some dues in that I'm being prosecuted for endeavoring to 
further crypto-anarchy.I've had one 3000$ notebook seized and held over 8 
months.I spit in the eye of "happy fun court".I try and propagate 
crypto-anarchist ideas in other forums,(like indymedia) Im available in 
meatspace and respond to civil e-mail.I believe I differ from jei and 
choate in that I avoid posting mainstream and 'obvious' stories and as I 
said at the start Im STORING things here,if your laptop was seized you 
might be looking to online storage as well.Game theory should tell you I'm 
playing chicken.

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