What Is Anarchism?
First off, all notions that anarchism stands for chaos, disorder, violence, 
laissez-faire capitalism, structurelessness, terrorism, and "everyone for 
themselves" needs to be abandoned in order for one to have a clear 
understanding of what anarchism is actually about. In fact, it can be said 
that anarchism is actually the opposite of all of that. However, despite 
this fact, a great many mis-conceptions, mis-understandings, slander, and 
media-portrayals of negative stereotypes of anarchists has occurred all 
over the world for hundreds of years. The cumulative effect of all of this 
has led to most people considering anarchism, especially "anarchy", as one 
of those things that I listed above. With most people having this negative 
prejudice towards anarchism, many naturally do not want to try and learn 
anything about it, and hence the cycle of ignorance is perpetuated.
Anarchism is the social, economic and political theory that all forms of 
hierarchy, domination, authority, and coercion are wrong and should be 
abolished and replaced with new forms of inter-acting that are based on 
voluntary cooperation, direct participatory democracy, free association and 
mutual aid. Because of these core beliefs, anarchism advocates the complete 
abolition of all forms of capitalism, government, racism, sexism and 
homophobia. Anarchism sees capitalism and government as being institutions 
fundamentally based upon hierarchy, domination, authority, and coercion, 
whereas it views racism, sexism and homophobia as being inter-personal 
expressions of the same things.
Anarchism sees order and organization without authority and government as 
being possible, desirable and, to some extent, already existing in some 
small forms today. Anarchism seeks to create new forms and structures of 
relating and organizing without government and authority, as well as 
expanding upon the already existing ones.
There is a wide and diverse variety of anarchists, anarchist beliefs, 
tactics, and visions of a future anarchist society. There are 
eco-anarchists, union-centered anarchists, anti-God anarchists, Christian 
and Jewish anarchists, pacifist anarchists, animal rights-centered 
anarchists, class struggle-centered anarchists, pro-technology anarchists, 
anti-technology anarchists, etc etc. However, the things that unites all of 
these anarchists is the core beliefs that I wrote above(although each 
individual anarchist would think about and express this core unifying 
sentiment in a different and unique way).
To learn more about anarchism, I suggest that you read this essay.
For an even larger and more in-depth introduction to anarchism, I recommend 
that you visit An Anarchist FAQ.
Some good, useful and informative anarchist web-sites that I recommend are:
Liberty For The People
Anarchy Archives
Spunk Library 

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