On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Over here in the midwest USA these cameras have been springing up on the
> highways (mounted on the overhanging sodium lamps) like crazy.  What's really
> amazing is that there is so little public *notice* of them (I realize the
> public may not bitch about it, but I _am_ surprised that the public
> *literally* doesn't *see* them).  
> I've wondered greatly at how useful these cameras can be on major arteries
> where average speeds are in the 50-75mph range, but I guess the answer lies
> in their proliferation.

They've put over a thousand up along I-35, 183, and Mo-Pac here in Austin
in the last year alone. The traffic flow hasn't changed one whit...

The cameras (at least the overt ones) are mounted on stand alone poles
about 60ft tall with this really cool looking 'sheep catcher' lightning
rod on top. No question what they are.

It's also worth noting that most of the collection/distribution sites are
placed under over-passes.


                James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.ssz.com


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