Bin Laden T-shirt seller in terror rap,313,&item_id=19472

 PARIS, Feb 8 (AFP) - A 25 year-old Frenchman who was caught trying
 to import 40 Osama Bin Laden T-shirts via Paris's Charles-De-Gaulle
 airport could face terrorism-related charges, police said Friday.

 The man, who has not been named, was stopped on Tuesday after
 getting off a flight from Thailand.

 He told customs officials he intended to sell the T-shirts around his
 in the western Paris suburb of Cergy.

 On Wednesday the man was taken before a
 judge, who is to decide whether to place
 him under formal investigation on a charge
 of "justifying terrorism," police said.

 Bin Laden, the head of the extremist Islamic
 group al-Qaeda, has been widely blamed
 for the attacks which killed over 3,000
 people in the United States on 11 September last year.

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