Meyer Wolfsheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
> On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Tim May wrote:
> > The notion that a Panopticon (everything being watched) is desirable is
> > one of the weirdest mutations of political theory in the past century.
> Whether or not a panopticon exists isn't relevant to its usefulness in
> promoting "good behavior" -- what matters is that the people believe it
> exists.
> This is why humankind has so persistently believed in the various
> "omniscient and benevolent dictator god" religious myths. Belief in an
> infallible panopticon is an evolutionary adaptation.
> I suspect that the last century has produced the greatest number of
> rational atheists, which may have resulted in the concurrent shift from
> relying on Allah to punish the wicked to inventing a need for Big Brother
> to do so.
I don't think it has anything to do with atheism or rationalism - both
of which I am quite fond of.

It has more to do with a human need for institutions which seems to be
present in >90% of the population. Sort of a literal agoraphobia. Isn't
there something regarding these personality traits in the Meyers-Briggs

My favorite is Zemmiphobia


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