
J. Cieciel

    Published: February 21, 2002
    State of mistrust
    South Carolina agencies continue to violate citizens' privacy. This
    time the state is distributing our children's DNA. Lawmakers need to

    institute firmer rules on the collection and distribution of
    individuals' personal information.

    Once again South Carolina's state government has proven that it
    be trusted with the personal information it demands from its
    South Carolinians had hoped it was a fluke when the state sold the
    information on 3.5 million people's driver's licenses to a New
    Hampshire company without their permission or even notification.
    Citizens thought that the outrage from that incident surely would
    state officials more responsible about how they handle the personal
    information citizens are forced to give the state.
    But last week South Carolinians learned that -- without their
    knowledge or permission -- the state had created a DNA library on
    children. By law, babies are tested for specific genetic diseases
    after they are born. The state Department of Health and
    Control has been saving all of those samples since 1995 in a special

    deep freeze facility.
    State officials told us not to worry. These genetic blueprints of
    children are safe with them. This information could not be misused.
    This week we learned that the information has already been misused.
    Without the permission of these DNA donors or their parents, the
    has given some of the samples to a genetics laboratory and gave
    to the State Law Enforcement Division to help start a DNA databank
    Are there any parents left who still trust the state with this
    information? It's not likely.
    Do South Carolinians want a genetics lab experimenting on their
    children's DNA? Did state officials ever think to ask? And what
    does SLED have to include our innocent children's DNA in its
    Legislative remedies for this problem have been discussed in
    They range from the immediate destruction of the DNA samples held by

    DHEC to a system in which parents can instruct the state not to keep

    their children's samples. Clearly, the state must institute a
    that -- at a bare minimum -- requires DHEC to get parental
    to keep the samples.


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