On Sunday, February 24, 2002, at 09:28  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> also, much of this is disruptive technology ... either because of
> technology itself and/or the second order effects of infrastructure cost
> reduction ... which would tend to have a distabelizing effects on
> operations that had reached some sort of stabilized equilibrium under
> earlier cost/price paradigms. One question might be "is the choatic 
> nature

Shouldn't there be an "e" in "choatic"?

--Tim May
Timothy C. May         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

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