>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >Is there any reason (besides trying to evade 
killfiles) that you keep >changing your email identity?
That he keeps losing his ISP account due to people like you whinging about 
him occurs to me. >Fuckhead. Headfuck. <<
Now now...there's no need for that.I lost an account and as they stopped 
talking to me when I asked them why I have asked the Ombudsman's office to 
ask them why.When I get a response I'll let you know if you like.
I went on to bigpond as I had their CD handy,they are run by a 
shady,corrupt cartel called Telstra and I couldn't afford their shakedown 
I then moved to my present ISP.The thought of evading killfiles never 
occurred to me.(and why should it?)
I've learned about killfiles from when I was 1st attacked about a month 
ago.Thank you to my teachers.(I'd thank you personally but...)
Recently I've learned a bit about remailers,thanks again to my 
instructors.(you know who you are.)
I don't feel quite so antagonistic toward measl as I once did as we now 
share the dubious pleasure of being attacked by declan.Everone here may 
rest assured that trying to evade killfiles is not something I give the 
slightest consideration of.
If you want to see less of me here,consider writing to me direct.I aim to 

I just want loose shoes, tight pussy, and a warm place to shit. "On the 
Internet no one knows you're a nigger." archive's

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