Appointment today to see Dr P.He promised to write to the Victorian police 
on my behalf."I shall just be gone a little while..."
Subject: Daily Bleed: 2/28 LINUS PAULING
                 The last full moon of February
                 stalks the fields; barbed wire casts a
                        — Jane Cooper, "Hunger Moon'
Daily Bleed web page in full,
Chemist, geneticist, anti-nuclear & anti-war activist.
Finland: Kalevalan päivä -- KALEVALA DAY,
commemorating the first printing of the ancient
national epic, in 1835, compiled by Elias Lönnrot.
1533 -- French essayist Michel de Montaigne lives.
French courtier & author of Essaies, which established a
new literary form. In 1588 he was arrested in Paris & spent
a few hours in Bastille.
See Kenneth Rexroth's essay on Montaigne in his
Classics Revisited.
1574 -- First New World victims of Spanish Inquisition
burned at the stake.
                  Moe to Curley: "How would you like to die,
                  burnt at the stake or your head chopped off?"
                 Curley: "I'd rather have steak than cold cuts."
1861 -- Antoine Cyvoct lives (1861-1930). French anarchist,
Lyons militant. Wrongly accused of being the author of the
bombing of the Bellecour Theatre restaurant in Lyon on
October 22, 1882.
1877 -- U.S. Government, thief, seizes Black Hills from Lakota
Sioux in violation of treaty.
1886 -- Painter & writer, José Solana Gutiérrez lives, in Madrid,
1887 -- France: The anarchist burglar & member of the "Panthers
of Batignolles", Clément Duval, has his death sentence
commuted to life by the President of the  Republic.
                 "Theft exists only through the exploitation of man
                 by man...when Society refuses you the right to exist,
                 you must take it...
                 the policeman arrested me in the name of the Law,
                 I struck him in the name of Liberty..."
Duval attempted escape 20 times, & after finally succeeding,
reached New York, where he lived until age 85, surrounded
by Italian anarchist comrades.
See his book, Moi, Clément Duval, bagnard et anarchiste
(Introduction by Marianne Enckell; Les Editions ouvrières,
Paris, 1991)
1893 -- Ben Hecht lives. American screenwriter, director,
producer, playwright, novelist lives. Authored 35 books &
created some of the most entertaining screenplays or plays,
among them The Front Page (filmed as His Girl Friday),
Underworld, The Scoundrel, Some Like It Hot, Viva Villa!
1901 -- American chemist, geneticist activist Linus Pauling
lives for vitamin C, Portland, Oregon. Double Nobel Prize
winner &, when he came up with an alternative cure for
cancer, 'madman' & 'quack'
        "Young people should always listen to their elders,
        but not necessarily believe what they say."
1913 -- Andre Soudy (1892-1913), French anarchist illegalist,
member of the Bonnot Gang, is sentenced to death.
See Doug Imrie's article, "The Illegalists", & background
material on the Bonnot Gang, online,
1921 -- Russia: Kronstadt Revolt. It is here Trotsky utters his
famous line,
          "Shoot them down like partridges." shocked the intelligent & honest minds of Europe
& America into a critical examination of Bolshevik theories &
practices. It exploded the Bolshevik myth of the Communist
State being the "Workers' & Peasants' Government."
       — Alexander Berkman, The Kronstadt Rebellion (Berlin:
            Der Syndikalist, 1922), pp. 41-42.
      Poet Kenneth Rexroth (“From the Paris
      Commune to the Kronstadt Rebellion”), was one
      of those few Americans who, for example, saw
      through Bolshevik pretenses as early as 1921,
      when Trotsky & Lenin crushed the libertarian
      revolt of the Kronstadt soviet.
     While clearly opposing all forms of
     “Communism” he did not, like so many others of
     his generation, react into supporting Western
     capitalism or becoming a "Cold War Warrior".

     The Kronstadt Revolt was a topic at meetings
     he helped organize with the San Francisco
     Anarchist Circle in the 1940s.
                     I am far better aware of
                     The evils of Stalinism
                     Than you are, you ex-Trotskyite
                     Warmonger. But it won’t get you
                     Anywhere to tell me I should
                     Welcome the beast who devours me
                     Just because a bigger lion
                     Is eating somebody else on
                     The other side of the arena.

1937 -- England: 1,000 rally against war, Hyde Park, London.

1937 -- England: With novelist Ethel Mannin, Emma Goldman
speaks  in Bristol on the Revolution in Spain.
1939 -- John Fahey (1939-2001), eccentric folk guitarist
heralded as a unique alchemist of American roots music & a
powerful influence on his peers, lives.
          I was about thirteen & I saw
          some other guys, older than me,
          they were meeting girls in the
          park in the summer by taking
          guitars out & playing them... I
          didn’t meet any girls that way
          until about 10 years later. On the
          other hand I did learn how to
          play the guitar.
In 1957, he heard a Blind Willie Johnson song that
mesmerized him & he began combing the south for
old blues recordings that would shape his musical
mindset. His own foray into recording would
become an instant rarity -- famously, only 95 copies
were made of his first album, "Blind Joe Death," in
1941 -- Happy birthday Alice Brock. Who is Alice Brock?
You know the song "Alice's
Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie? Oh, that Alice!
                 "What the hell are all these freaking forks
                 doing on the forking floor?!" --- Mrs. G.
1958 -- England: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
(CND) founded in London.
1959 -- The playwright most known for his verse tragedy,
Maxwell Anderson dies in  Stamford, Connecticut. His
tragedy Winterset (1935), a poetic drama inspired by the
Sacco & Vanzetti anarchist case is his most famous, but
Anderson also wrote musicals, such as Knickerbocker
Holiday (1938) & Lost in the Stars (1949).
1970 -- Jefferson Airplane is fined $1,000 for singing
the "F word" in an Oklahoma City concert.

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