Quoting Faustine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hash: SHA1
> John wrote:
> (snip)
> >I think this conversation is like many going on around
> >the country, and shows how recruitment of agents is
> >being done. We'd like to publish such accounts, anonymized
> >or not.
> Aside from the usual concerns people might have about telling you what they
> know, unfortunately, your messages this past week just added a whole new level
> of disincentive: did you ever stop to think that the angrier and more emotional
> you are about the idea of being fed disinformation, the more of a chilling
> effect it will have on people who have something legitimate to tell you? 

This does not follow.
> The risk of you mistakenly retaliating against someone because you conclude
> they're trying to snow you on behalf of the government just won't balance the
> risk they're putting themselves through from the other end. In fact, I think if
> someone really wanted to damage Cryptome, they could hardly do better than to
> get you whipped up to the point you're so pissed off you start thinking
> everything is disinformation and end up not running something important. Not
> like there's anything to be done about it, but you're scaring the shit out of
> people, John:

In my opinion people should be scared shitless.  Your government (as well as
mine) are engaging in not merely illegal, but barbaric practices in so far as
`recruiting' is concerned.  The longer such practices are permitted to
continue, the more that the perpetrators are allowed to become emboldened by
their successes lack of criminal sanction.

Given enough time, these people will, for all intents and purposes, be
unstoppable and will come to view their ability and right to subvert, coerce,
enlist, steal, threaten, and manipulate as evidence, prima facia, of their
natural superiority over the very people they should be protecting from the
very threat which they now pose.
John is completely correct.  The current practices as they pertain to
`recruiting' are utterly odious and abhorrent and should be exposed and
> There ain't nobody here but us chickens. 

No shit.



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