>From Glasgow McDonalds Workers Resistance http://www.mwr.org.uk
PO Box 3828

Monthly Bulletin, February 2002

Dear friends,

Unremarkably, we did nothing over Christmas and new
year except got pissed, constantly. Nevertheless, we
do have a few bits of news to report.

The comically overdue website is now online at:


It's not very good, but it's there! So please visit
us. Also, if you're going to be kind enough to link to
us, then please link to www.mwr.org.uk as the hosting
is temporary but that address will be permanent.

We were cut from a BBC documentary on fast food
because we were apparently too politically contentious
for a show being produced by Tim Henman's wife. We
were really pissed off about this 'cos we'd bought
loads of balaclavas especially. In the end, our
ambiguous relationship with the mass media has
continued, bizarrely, with an interview in March's
'Loaded' magazine, the editor apparently said there
was room for a few more tits... So we're sandwiched
between Carmen Electra and Helena Christensen, etc.
Buy it, really! It's only #3.00 and you get advice on
cunnilingus and a free sachet of conditioner...
Seriously, we don't think there is much point talking
to ourselves, we want to communicate with our
co-workers, which is our justification for doing an
interview with a not very nice low quality wank mag.

Solidarity to our comrades in Paris: since the 24th
October the workers at the Strasbourg-St.Denis branch
of McDonald's in Paris have been on strike for the
reinstatement of five of their colleagues, who were
accused of theft by the management (who have not
provided any evidence for their claim). It was
obviously a coincidence that the five workers sacked
were candidates for the 'elections professionnelles',
a kind of works council. The management ignored the
strikers at first which quickly made clear to the
strikers and their support committee that the movement
had to be expanded. For this reason the strikers and
the committee have been regularly picketing a
different McDonald's branch since November. These
actions have made it possible to come to a list of
demands: for a 6% wage increase; better working
conditions; bonuses for 'dirty work'; recognition of
the right to strike and the right for trade union
organisation... This has broadened out the struggle
and inceased the consciousness of the employees, to
show that the fight is not only against the management
[of one branch], but against employment without
protection and workers' rights [i.e. against 'McJobs']
The five young workers who were sacked won a tribunal
case against McDonald's on 25th January and the court
said they have to be given their jobs back. However
the fight is not over and there was a massive demo in
Paris on 2nd February. Email the strikers at:
We should also introduce our new friends the
'McDonalds International Liberation Front' to whom we
send our solidarity, even though they do insist on
describing us as "pussy white boys". We've let them
rant on our web site at:
http://www.mwr.org.uk/milf.htm, and they can be
e-mailed at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity to our friends the Workers Resistance
against McDonalds, they got caught by McDonalds for
their activities at the end of last year. What got
them was that folk knew about their internet
abilities, so unlikely to be a problem for us!
McDonalds quizzed all the staff in their area about
who was competent on computers. Scary people. Still,
their struggle goes on, indeed it's flourishing, they
have contacts in several stores. They've changed the
location of their website, it's now at:

MWR's group in Stirling (also in Scotland) is
thriving, they can be e-mailed at:

Special thanks to everyone who has done or is doing
translation work for us, it's greatly apreciated.

Finally, we have to note that senior management failed
to send us a Christmas card this year despite us
having sent them this lovely effort last year (see:
http://www.mwr.org.uk/card.htm  )
  This is a clear snub and is really just plain
ignorant. Fucking parasites.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year,

Love and solidarity,

McDonalds Workers Resistance.

Stop Press:  New group up and running in Wales!

If you want to know the difference between the work of
today and the activity that represents our future, then
today work for McDonalds, and tomorrow take up cooking
as a hobby.

[Excerpt from their web page: http://www.geocities.com/mwrposse3/links.htm]
Links to people we like a bit...

          The IWA is an international group of
          anarcho-syndicalists. Unlike many trade unions, this
          organisation is not hierarchical and is controlled by
          the ordinary workers. Members of the IWA have
          been a great help to MWR. Visit their web site!

          Another organisation that has helped us is the
          legendary Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) or
          Wobblies. One big union for all the workers in all the
          industries all over the world! Like the IWA, IWW
          campaigns are controlled by the workers, not by
          another set of bosses.

          McJobs are part of a general trend of employment
          where jobs are more temporary, less secure and
          workers are less well trained. In the building
          industry this leads to an increase in accidents.
          Casualisation Kills! Simon Jones was killed on his
          first day at work on a building site. People like
          Simon Jones get killed at work all the time and little
          gets said about it, but the Simon Jones Memorial
          Campaign decided to kick up shit. Here's how they
          did it.

          Fight Poverty Pay Campaign, sounds pretty relevant
          doesn't it? Visit their web site for more.

          Restaurant guy

          McDonalds is a really shit job but can it be worse
          than working in a call center? These folk get
          clocked out if they go for a piss. But they are also
          organising, check out the web site at
          One week your wanting a few pence more an hour
          and to get the managers off your back, before you
          know it you're worried about all sorts of things:
          peasants displaced from their land by cattle
          ranching in Brazil, the conditions dairy cows live in,
          rainforest depletion and climate change... There are
          tens of thousands of campaigns like ours going on
          all over the world, and we've all got a common
          enemy- capitalism. Many of these diverse struggles
          are linked together by a network called Peoples'
          Global Action (PGA)

          Want to read some of the stuff the papers don't tell
          you? Check out a-infos and independent media

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