Hurray for Marc.

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, A. Melon wrote:

> Marc Perkel, sysadmin at the Electronic Frontier Foundation in San 
> Francisco, has been arrested by LA police department.
> A political activist, civil libertarian and member of both Rep and Dem
> parties, Perkel runs the and hosts the Bartcop
> [political humor] web sites. He was arrested on returning to the country
> from Australia without charge, according to a statement on the Bartcop
> site.
> "Whatever Marc did it's not related to his work here at the EFF, and we 
> wish him the best of luck in getting out of jail as quickly as possible," 
> an EFF spokesman told us.
> He'll be represented by EFF legal director Cindy Cohn, acting in a private 
> capacity.
> [...]
> From:

The dot.GOD Registry, Limited

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