Silence over a crime against humanity
International Editor Hamish McDonald reveals the critical evidence 
Australia's spy chiefs have kept hidden, as trials begin in Jakarta today 
over violence during East Timor's independence vote.
The evidence is contained in the most tightly held archive in Canberra: the 
electronic data base of the Defence Signals Direct-orate (DSD), the result 
of months intercepting secret communications between Indonesian officers 
involved in a shadowy campaign to thwart East Timorese hopes of 
independence in 1999.
Some details of this vast intelligence record have been revealed for the 
first time to the Herald by senior defence community sources in Canberra. 
They are dismayed at a huge crime against humanity, committed on 
Australia's doorstep and under the eyes of the United Nations, remaining 
The DSD intercepts map out the chain of command, from the local militias 
and covert Indonesian forces in East Timor up to one of the most feared 
military men in Jakarta, General Feisal Tanjung, whose involvement has so 
far escaped mention in human rights investigations.
The defence sources also say that some of this critical intelligence in the 
first half of 1999, pointing to high-level Indonesian involvement, was not 
included in intelligence exchanged with United States' agencies at a time 
when the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade was blaming the militia 
violence on "rogue elements" in the Indonesian army.
The tensions this caused between Canberra's Defence Intelligence 
Organisation and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have 
been seen as contributing to the June 1999 suicide of the DIO liaison 
officer in Washington, Lieutenant-Colonel Merv Jenkins, after he was 
questioned by DFAT security officials about "Australian Eyes Only" material 
shared with American counterparts.
The intercepts, contained in files classified as "Secret Spoke" (meaning 
derived from intercepted clear-voice telephone calls) or "Top Secret Umbra" 
(derived from encrypted or scrambled voice communications), have not been 
shared with UN or other investigators.
But they include details of command and communications hierarchies that 
would provide vital evidence for international-standard war crimes 
tribunals, such as those prosecutions being mounted in The Hague against 
politicians and generals in the former Yugoslavia.
Instead of setting up such a tribunal for East Timor, the UN has stood back 
for 21/2 years to let Jakarta fulfil its promise to mount its own trials of 
those responsible for the 1999 massacres, abductions, coerced population 
movements and destruction.
In Jakarta, the first trial is due to begin today, with former East Timor 
governor Abilio Soares and former provincial police chief Brigadier-General 
Timbul Silaen accused of crimes against humanity involving widespread 
attacks on civilians.
Silaen is one of three generals among the 18 military personnel and 
civilian militia leaders accused of participation or responsibility in some 
of the more large-scale acts of murder in 1999. The other two are 
Major-General Adam Damiri, former head of the Udayana regional command, 
which included East Timor, and Brigadier-General Tono Suratman, who was 
East Timor military commander for much of 1999.
To the extent they face substantial punishment the three still seem to be 
in the pipeline for promotion within the army and police these generals and 
a number of colonels and junior officers appear to be the sacrifices to 
appease foreign and local concerns.
The senior generals who were more closely supervising the militia campaign 
on the ground in East Timor, and who reported directly to top military 
figures in Jakarta, have been left off the list of accused, although some 
were named as suspects in Indonesia's special human rights commission 
report in February 2000.
So far, it appears the Indonesian legal process, while concentrating on 
specific incidents of terror, has not attempted to lay overall blame for 
the militia campaign ahead of the August 30, 1999, vote, or for the 
systematic drive after the result was announced to deport the population 
and lay waste to the territory.
The Indonesian armed forces commander and defence minister at the time, 
General Wiranto, was forced to resign from his later cabinet post as 
co-ordinating political and security minister after the February 2000 
report said he carried moral responsibility for the violence, given that 
Indonesia had guaranteed security for East Timor's referendum.
But now Wiranto also appears to be a fall guy, in terms of political, if 
not legal, responsibility. In all the inquiries so far, little attention 
has been given to the role of Feisal Tanjung, Wiranto's predecessor as 
armed forces commander then as political-security minister, whose pivotal 
role in instigating, planning and executing the militia campaign is brought 
into focus by the DSD intercepts.
Normally, the political-security position in the Indonesian cabinet has 
little executive responsibility or clout within the Indonesia military, 
compared with that of the commander. But the weighting of the two roles 
seems to have been reversed in 1999 because of the personalities and 
records of the officers involved.
Wiranto was a sociable some say weak political general who had risen to 
senior ranks through his positions in the entourage of former president 
Soeharto, who had been forced out of office by popular protest in May 1998. 
Throughout 1999 he kept an eye out for his prospects in Jakarta as 
political parties courted the powerful military following general elections 
in June.
TOUGH-minded Feisal Tanjung had spent much of his career in the feared 
Special Forces, known as Kopassus, or the paratroop units of the Strategic 
Reserve. He had associations with operations in East Timor from the 
earliest occupation days in 1975.
Tanjung appears to have operated a chain of command parallel to that 
wielded by General Wiranto, using officers with Kopassus and East Timor 
backgrounds, especially the two major-generals Zacky Anwar Makarim and 
Sjafrie Sjamsuddin assigned as "liaison officers" to the UN mission running 
the ballot in East Timor.
Most of these officers were, like Tanjung, associated with the "Green" or 
conspicuously Islamic faction active in the Indonesian forces in the last 
years of the Soeharto era. Wiranto and key aides like then 
lieutenant-general Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono belonged to the "Red and White" 
or more secular nationalist faction (the name derived from Indonesia's 
national flag).
Because of his political ambitions, Wiranto may have been happy to distance 
himself from the dirty work involved in keeping East Timor within 
Indonesia. His colleagues may have been equally content to preserve his 
political acceptability in order to maintain the military's privileged 
position. This meant the crescendo of protests made to Wiranto by Canberra 
and other foreign capitals about the obvious military collusion with the 
militias went to the wrong address. Equally, Wiranto's promises of fair 
behaviour by the security forces carried little weight.
According to the Defence sources, the Indonesian embassy in Canberra was 
also out of the loop. DSD intercepted several queries by the then defence 
attache in Canberra, Brigadier-General Judi Magio Yusuf, to his Jakarta 
superiors asking for clarification of atrocities being reported from East 
Timor. He was routinely told these were foreign press fabrications and to 
ignore them.
Nine specific intercepts detailed by the Defence sources, plus accounts of 
other patterns of command and consultation at critical points in 1999, 
reveal some of the key officers and strategies in the covert campaign to 
retain East Timor.
On February 9 less than a fortnight after then president Habibie's 
announcement that the East Timorese would have an early choice between 
wider autonomy within Indonesia or independence DSD intercepted messages 
confirming that two Indonesian special forces units, codenamed Tribuana and 
Venus, had arrived in East Timor to join undercover operations.
The East Timor military command, abbreviated to Korem 164, had already been 
using armed local auxiliaries and militias since the latter months of 1998 
to counter the popular unrest that had been growing since Soeharto's fall.
On February 14, DSD heard the Dili militia leader Eurico Guterres telephone 
the Tribuana unit about the condition of an injured member of the militia 
group, which was called Mahidi. Tribuana told Guterres: "We know that 
Brig-Gen Simbolon is concerned that one of his crew is injured."
This refers to then Brigadier-General Mahidin Simbolon, who was chief of 
staff in the Bali-based Udayana regional command, which included East 
Timor. A former East Timor commander, Simbolon was close to the Mahidi 
leader Cancio de Cavalho, whose coined name for the group (Mahidi, from the 
Indonesian words meaning "Live or Die for Integration") was a tribute to 
the Indonesian officer.
On May 5, Indonesia's commander in East Timor, then Colonel Tono Suratman, 
was intercepted phoning Guterres to ask where he was massing his militia 
group for a show of force in Dili, the territory's capital. Guterres 
reported 400 militias waiting outside a city hotel.
On June 1, DSD intercepted Colonel Suratman telling Guterres: "Don't deal 
with me directly. Contact me via Bambang [referring to Major Bambang 
Wisnumurti, the intelligence chief in Suratman's command]."
On August 8, DSD intercepted a message from military headquarters in 
Jakarta, allocating radio frequencies for use by pro-Indonesian groups. 
This was one of a series of frequency allocations that were intercepted 
routine signals but the kind that provide crucial pieces of evidence for 
war crimes prosecutors. The point of contact for the militia groups was 
another intelligence officer, a Lieutenant Masbuku, in Suratman's Korem 164 
headquarters in Dili.
On August 9, a message stated that Director "A" in Jakarta's military 
intelligence agency BAIS, a Brigadier-General Arifuddin, had organised 
flags and other material for a demonstration against Unamet, the UN 
mission. Arifuddin said 5000 T-shirts had been prepared, and 10,000 ordered.
In intercepts in a file dated September 4, and classified "Top Secret 
Umbra", Major-General Zacky Anwar Makarim is making last minute calls to 
find out how the count of the votes from five days earlier is going (the 
result, a 78.5 per cent majority for independence, was later announced by 
the UN that morning).
Anwar spoke to a police officer named Andreas and asked how the count was 
going. The police officer said that with 50 per cent of the vote counted, 
only about 20 per cent seemed to be for the autonomy-within-Indonesia 
option. Anwar appeared incredulous, asking: "Are you sure? How can it be?" 
He pointed out that all across East Timor, households had been displaying 
the red and white Indonesian flag.
Anwar also spoke to Brigadier-General Glenny Kairupan, head of another 
special team appointed by General Feisal Tanjung, for pointers to the 
impending result, and to the East Timorese activist leading Jakarta's 
political campaign in the ballot, Basilio Araujo who said it was obvious 
the poll was fixed.
While speaking to Araujo, General Anwar also asked him to keep a close eye 
on Eurico Guterres. Anwar said Guterres had a relative who was a Catholic 
nun, and might easily be persuaded to jump to the independence side. "I'll 
take care of him if he goes over to the other side," Anwar said.
ONCE the ballot's result was announced on September 4, the Indonesian 
authorities on the ground moved quickly to adapt existing contingency plans 
for evacuation of pro-integration elements and Indonesian residents.
Across the central and western parts of East Timor, people were driven from 
their homes and shepherded to land or sea transport to West Timor or other 
parts of Indonesia. The aim, apparently, was to discredit the UN ballot as 
rigged, by suggesting that a majority of Timorese were voting with their 
feet in accordance with their true wishes, or to create conditions for 
partition of the territory. Over the grim two weeks this scheme was carried 
out, before the arrival of the Australian-led international force Interfet 
on September 20, DSD picked up numerous scrambled telephone conversations 
between General Tanjung in Jakarta and General Anwar in Timor discussing 
details, the Defence sources say.
In addition, DSD intercepted other discussions about the population 
transfer involving General Anwar and two ministers in the Habibie 
government, both with intelligence and special forces backgrounds. One was 
Lieutenant-General A.M.Hendropriyono, the minister for the former 
inter-island "transmigration" scheme, the other Lieutenant-General Yunus 
Yosfiah, the information minister.
On September 21, as Interfet was still landing troops in Dili and 
establishing an uneasy interregnum with Indonesian forces, DSD intercepted 
a phone call to the veteran pro-Indonesian political leader Francisco 
Xavier Lopez da Cruz, informing him that Kopassus had formed special 
hit-squads code-named "Kiper-9" to hunt down pro-independence elements and 
pro-Indonesian figures who changed sides.
A final intercept revealed by the sources, reported on October 5, details a 
message from the East Nusatenggara provincial police commander to the 
police chief in the provincial capital Kupang (in West Timor). The local 
police chief is reminded that some visitors from the US State Department 
are about to visit camps holding relocated East Timorese. He is to make 
sure the visitors get the impression the refugees are free of harassment.
The generals who figure in the command chain of this campaign aside from 
Damiri, Suratman and Silaen are all free of legal charge. Feisal Tanjung is 
active in party politics since losing ministerial office with the end of 
the Habibie presidency in October 1999, along with former information 
minister Yunus Yosfiah. Damiri's former chief of staff in the Udayana 
command, Mahidin Simbolon, has been promoted to his own command, in Papua, 
where local independence activists fear he could pursue a militia strategy 
against them, and where Kopassus soldiers are suspected of murdering the 
Papuan Council leader Theys Eluay.
Zacky Anwar Makarim remains in the army, attached to the TNI headquarters 
without specific assignment. Sjafrie Sjamsuddin, who is among army officers 
resisting legal summonses to testify on violence against students in early 
1998 (when he was Jakarta garrison chief), has been appointed official TNI 
The former transmigration minister who helped organise the mass 
deportations in September 1999, General Hendropriyono, has had a revived 
career, being made head of the new National Intelligence Body created by 
President Megawati Sukarnoputri, whom he had cultivated in her opposition 
years against Soeharto.
Only the decades of impunity enjoyed by the Indonesian security forces make 
the country's leadership unabashed by the irony that Hendropriyono and 
Sjamsuddin are now the public faces of a TNI and intelligence service being 
asked to join the War against Terror.

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