Revolt in France Paris 1968 analysis and eyewitness accounts In May 1968 
student protests and the brutal police repression of them helped spark off 
a general strike involving some 12 million workers. You can download, print 
out and hopefully distribute a PDF booklet that describes these events in 
detail by going to When France 
rebelled People think of revolutions as buried deep in history. Yet in 1968 
France was on the verge of a total revolt with 12 million workers on 
strike, 122 factories occupied, and students fighting against the old 
moribund system in which they found themselves. Paris May 1968 An 
eyewitness account from a member of the English libertarian communist 
organisation Solidarity who visited Paris in May and produced this detailed 
account of events Read the texts online or print out the PDF booklet from -- -------- 
3000 + pages on anarchism, Ireland, Zapatistas revolutionary history and 
struggles around globalistaion

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