Yea...these guys know a lot about security.

Their registration page at  has a
place for one to fill in credit card details.

Note the lack of an 's' after the 'http'.  I wrote to them about this and
they claim to not have enough money for a cert.  Clearly a quality group,
these humans...

Bwa ha ha,


Begin Fair Use quote of  Greg Newby aka [EMAIL PROTECTED] written  on
16.3.02 13:37 :

> I'm considering going to OSS'02 (May 8-10 in Rosslyn, VA).
> This is Robert Steele's organization -- he's the guy who
> advocates LESS secrecy, and has done some cost analysis of
> how keeping stuff secret often hurts intelligence.  I saw
> him speak at H2K in '2000, and he was super.
> They claim that 6000 spooks from around the world will attend,
> and have a pretty interesting program.
> Does anyone know much about this conference?  Anyone
> go to OSS'01?
> I'm wondering if anyone else in cypherpunk land
> is considering going.  Maybe we can do a BOF ;-]
> -- Greg

777 --- 777  777 --- 777
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin

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