Well I just subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
unsubbed from the node I was previously on.

We'll see how this works -- no more Choate one-liners and fall out has
got to be an improvement, and the filtering policy sounds reasonable
to me.

I'd encourage anyone else to try it also, so that the moderators
efforts are put to good use.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 10:31:43AM -0500, Brian Minder wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a moderated version of the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] CDR node.  The moderation policy is vaguely:
> - obvious spam gets dropped.
> - one-line pointers to news articles will tend to get dropped.
> - news articles posted in full without comment will tend to get dropped.
> - content will tend to get passed, even if it's off-the-wall
>   (eg. Xenix Chainsaw Massacre).
> - submissions from high signal posters will tend to get passed.
> - the list is read-only. submissions should go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   or another CDR node. 
> - [EMAIL PROTECTED] will remain unfiltered and unmoderated.

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