Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:34:38 -0800
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt Gaylor)
From: David Theroux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hello

Dear Matt,

We will be holding an upcoming event with Gore Vidal, "Understanding 
America's Terrorist Crisis: What Should Be Done?", in San Francisco 
on April 18th.

Here is a link to the web page on the program:

Could I interest you in please sending out a notice to your email 
list to alert your readers?  We would be most grateful.

More specifically, I am adding below details of the program.

Please advise me if this might be possible and if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Best regards,


David J. Theroux
Founder and President
The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
510-632-1366 Phone
510-568-6040 Fax

The Independent Institute Presents:
"Understanding America's Terrorist Crisis: What Should Be Done?"
Co-sponsored with Harper's Magazine

With GORE VIDAL, author and man-of-letters
Author, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace (Nation Books)

Moderated by LEWIS LAPHAM, Editor, Harper's Magazine

With a panel of distinguished scholars:
BARTON J. BERNSTEIN, Professor of History, Stanford University
Author, The Truman Administration: A Documentary History 
(HarperCollins); Editor, Towards a New Past: Dissenting Essays in 
American History (Pantheon Books)

ROBERT HIGGS, Senior Fellow in Political Economy, The Independent 
Institute; Editor, The Independent Review; Author, Crisis and 
Leviathan: Critical Episodes in the Growth of American Government 
(Oxford University Press)

THOMAS GALE MOORE, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Author, China 
in the World Market: Chinese Industry and International Sources of 
Reform in the Post-Mao Era (Cambridge University Press)

Could the horrific events of September 11th be setting in motion a 
chain of events far more significant than the terrorist attacks 
themselves? After retaliating against the Al Qaeda terrorist network, 
and its Taliban enablers, the Bush Administration now speaks of 
"bringing justice" to an "axis of evil" countries not involved in the 
9/11 attacks--all while Osama bin Laden and most of the major 
terrorist leaders have escaped.

Meanwhile, the Middle-East may be teetering on the brink of a major 
war. World leaders in Europe, Asia, Africa, and around the world view 
U.S. military intervention with increasing alarm, and international 
opinion indicates that the U.S. may be more hated than ever. Could 
U.S. policies be provoking this hatred and the ever more ominous 
threats to the safety of Americans and people around the world? If 
so, how can we produce a safer world?

On the home front, the U.S. government has acquired broad new police 
powers to systematically spy on and detain both American citizens and 
foreign nationals without due process.  With the USA PATRIOT 
Act--legislation still being written when it was passed by Congress 
last fall--will such a measure really hinder terrorists or will it 
simply enable militant fundamentalists to destroy American liberty as 
the U.S. itself shreds the Bill of Rights?

Please join us for a special evening with world-renowned author Gore 
Vidal, moderated by Lewis Lapham, and including a distinguished panel 
of scholars, Barton Bernstein, Thomas Gale Moore, and Robert Higgs, 
to discuss why terrorism now threatens America and what should be 

April 18, 2002, 8-10 p.m.
Herbst Theatre
401 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California

Tickets: $22 per person ($18 per person for Independent Institute 
Associate Members)

To reserve tickets, please contact Ms. Nichelle Beardsley at 
510-632-1366 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For further information, please go to

The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
510-632-1366 Phone
510-568-6040 Fax

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