>>> The 2nd Annual BASTARD (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And 
Research > & Development) Anarchist conference will be Sunday March 31st, 
2002, the > day after the San Francisco Anarchist Bookfair. Jeezuz. Can't 
even build a decent acronym, eh? Hint: "and", "the", and "of" don't 
freakin' count, you twit... - Dr. Strangelove --- "What, me worry?" -- 
Alfred E. Neuman

Actually as a jack Nicholson fan I'm opposed to misuse of that word even if 
it seems to becoming a term of endearment in some circles,( like 
"nigger'.)Also by posting material here I dont endorse every word or the 
way some articles are worded or even if they are from 'me'.No one likes a 
pedantic prick so take your twittery nyms and go fuck yourself,CHICKEN.

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