I might have been mistaken about Tim being CIA,actually with a ring through 
his nose,( like the lack of idealogical support he's been getting 
lately),he's becoming quite tractable."An ox for the people to ride."
It must be frustrating seeing Jim Bell run off with your "Extremely dark 
markets,"idea and now the P to P's want his precious Blacknet.Quelle 
Horreur! Worse,far worse than Beta losing to VHS! 1984 is really coming 
true when the fucking MOSEs of crypto-anarchy is being 'disappeared'.Dont 
worry about an ex-cia agents usenet posts,what if something should happen 
to the cyphernomicon for gawds sake! Tims quick on his feet for a punchy 
old tomato can,he just landed one on agent Farr.
Keep it up chump,sorry,keep it up CHAMP.
 >>The interesting projects are the ones dangerous to the state, dangerous 
to the corporations, dangerous to the establishment. (This is not "Mattd" 
rhetoric about smashing the state...this is just the basic fact about these 
Mongo also makes the point that these,'interesting projects' are more 
likely to come from individuals and his old saw about how "technology" 
itself will result in manna from heaven.If both these propositions are true 
that still leaves most of us punks
with little to do.There's some evidence for that from some of the shit I've 
had to put up with lately from some underemployed trolls on this list.I 
will keep seeking to advance real crypto-anarchy,it would help if all of 
you dont mention my name.Dont tread on me.These "technologies" are also 
dangerous to wealthy individuals.Thank you.  

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