BEIJING - Profound labor unrest shook two cities in northern China's "rust 
belt" Wednesday as unpaid and laid off workers protested, overturning a car 
and massing 10,000-strong to face off with military police.
In Liaoyang, an industrial center in northeastern Liaoning province, 
columns of military police protected the city government office - on 
Democracy Road - and broke up protests.
Witnesses, who estimated the crowd at 10,000, said there were no injuries, 
but city officials denied there were any protests at all.
"Nothing has happened. It's quiet outside," said a spokesman at the 
Liaoyang city office.
Hundreds of armed officers were reportedly blanketing the area and ringing 
the building around the clock.
In Daqing, a famed oil town in northern China's frigid Heilongjiang 
province, witnesses said workers - many of them laid off - demonstrated in 
front of the provincial branch of China National Petroleum Corp. when a 
traffic accident took place.
Protesters surged forward and overturned a gray Chinese-made Santana, one 
witness said. It was not clear who was inside the vehicle.
"I don't know what happened to the victims and the driver," said a traffic 
police officer reached by telephone. He did not give his name.
Thousands of shouting protesters gathered again Thursday in front of 
government offices to demand the release of four detained labor leaders, 
witnesses said.
Witnesses said three of the leaders were detained Wednesday while trying to 
negotiate with officials in Liaoyang, an industrial city in Liaoning 
province. The other, Yao Fuxin, was detained Sunday near his home, a labor 
rights group said.
One participant, a woman reached by cell phone while demonstrating, said 
the crowd was pushing at a large iron gate in front of Liaoyang city hall. 
She and other witnesses said no one has been injured.
Such demonstrations, which have been growing in the region since early this 
month, are unusual in China, where the government keeps a tight rein on 
protests and uses threats and force to discourage any anti-government 
However, the government has also acknowledged that workers, once revered as 
the "vanguard of the proletariat," are suffering from widespread closures 
of inefficient and outdated state firms.
"Owed salaries and severance payments are just part of the reason. The real 
problem is that the life of laid-off workers is too difficult," said Ma, a 
Liaoyang resident who works for a private factory but knows many of the 
protesters. He gave only his surname.
"People are angry because they feel the government used them and then threw 
them away," Ma said.
Protesters carried red banners and a portrait of Mao Zedong mounted on a 
small chariot. One banner said, "Laid-off workers of the Ferroalloy Factory 
protest against factory bankruptcy and demand payment of owed salaries," 
said the woman, who refused to give her name.
She said the number of protesters had increased by several thousand since 
Monday, with throngs crowding Democracy Road and the narrow streets nearby 
each morning. She said the protests have been peaceful so far, but "such a 
big crowd of protesters really shocked us."
Ma, the worker from the Jian An Machine Factory, said protests began with 
workers from Liaoyang Ferroalloy Factory but expanded this week to include 
laid off workers from other plants.
Farmers even joined in to protest not being paid by bankrupt factories that 
were built on their lands, said Ma. Protesters are angry at Liaoyang 
Ferroalloy Factory for refusing to pay workers severance pay of $500 a 
year. Ma said former workers feel they were cheated by factory managers in 
collusion with corrupt local officials.

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