James B. DiGriz wrote:

> In terms of practical considerations, network diameter is 3, and minimum
>   connectivity is 8 (if you count routes with common links) at the 3 hop
> level, which you'd probably want to use, with a fallback to longer
> routes on retries. Unless you're trying to discourage tracing or
> something.) It's a highly redundant, fault-tolerant network, and you're
> also right that duplicates aren't going to be a problem. However, there
> are only 297,000 links (if I'm counting right) among the 1 million
> nodes, and they're probably going to get saturated real quick.

Wups, dropped a zero there. *cough* For my next trick I will show how 
inertialess drives work and provide free lunch for everyone :-)

I meant 2,970,000 links, obviously. Not as bad as it looked. It's still 
subject to saturation, but it begins to look like something interesting.


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