"Major Variola (ret)" wrote:
> I've been thinking about noncentralized self-organizing network
> topologies since George
> posted his query.  First, there are several problems that any P2P
> network faces in the future
> hostile world:
>     1. ISPs blocking its ports
>     2. The "entry points" to P2P are vulnerable ---web sites that point
> to dynamic list of *tella
>     servents, or the Kazaa site that points to active Kazaa supernode
> servents.  Simply sue
>     any of the sites with lists of *tella hosts.  Even better, get the
> ISPs to drop host lists
>     as fast as they drop stuff under DMCA.
>     3. Slow connections, slow machines
>     4. Active, hostile attacks, not just doofuses querying with
> too-common keywords
> To resist 1. you can use port 80, which ISPs can't block without losing
> most
> 'legitimate' utility for the masses :-)  Or you use randomly varying
> ports and have to do more door-knocking.
> To resist 2. you have to be able to randomly probe IP addresses to find
> a node.

You can use the random-appearing pads described in
http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/madore/misc/freespeech.html .

A list of "address servers", using any IP address and port, would be
written up in a text or binary file. This text file would be XORd with a
couple of random 128kB pads, and then sent to a newsgroup. A client who
wished to retrieve the list would read the result pad, then fetch the
random pads from any of a bunch of "pad servers". XOR them together and
read off the list. None of the sites hosting the random pads would be
holding any "restricted" information, so there'd be no justification for
closing them down.

The Usenet group here isn't necessary, just convenient.

This should be pretty easy to automate: add a module to your gnutella-2
client to keep a list of pad servers, do the fetching from Usenet and
the pad servers, and create the list of client address servers.

This method is still subject to attacks, but it addresses your first two

Steve Furlong    Computer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.  -- George Bernard Shaw

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