For gobs of dollars, the Pakis turn over an uncharged man to the Feds,
who are drooling over their torture implements:

A senior law enforcement official, who also
confirmed Zubeida's capture, said
counter-terrorism agents are angling to interrogate
him. "There is a fair amount of excitement about
this," he said.

"This guy will be put through the ringer for days
and weeks," said a former senior Clinton
administration counter-terrorism official.

"It will take at least 96 hours . . . to get him to
spill everything," said the former official. "If they
don't crack him by then, he is a very tough nut. If
not, they will keep going. He is probably having
the worst time in his entire life right now."

Although he did try to run away (suicide by M-16?)
he didn't, nor did he get killed.  Shouldn't knowledgable
officers have cyanide pills when they're near the front lines?

Seems you'd still get into Paradise (tm) if you
took them to keep mil secrets safe..

And, the Feds don't have to follow any rules:

William H. Webster, a former FBI and CIA
director, said interrogation efforts will "go beyond
name, rank and serial number" because Zubeida
is considered an unlawful combatant and not a
prisoner of war.

"Traditional third-degree would be inappropriate,
such as using physical force," Webster said. "I
don't want to spell out how late they can keep
him up before letting him go to bed, but they have
a right to aggressively try to gain information from


Some music for Mr. Rumsfeld:
                       Flies all green and buzzin',
                       in this dungeon of despair.
                       Prisoners grumble and piss their clothes,
                       and scratch their matted hair.
                       A tiny light, from a window hole,
                       a hundred yards away,
                       is all they ever gets to know
                       about the regular light in the day.

                       And it stinks so bad, the stones been chokin',
                       and weepin' greenish drops.
                       In the room where the giant fire puffer works,
                       and the torture never stops.

                       The torture never stops.

                       Slime and rot, rats and snot,
                       and vomit on the floor.
                       Fifty yoogly soldiers, man,
                       holdin' spears by the iron door.
                       Knives and spikes, and guns and the likes
                       of every tool of pain.
                       And a sinister midget, with a bucket and a mop,
                       where the blood goes down the drain.

                       And it stinks so bad, the stones been chokin',
                       and weepin' greenish drops.
                       In the room where the giant fire puffer works,
                       and the torture never stops.

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