Italy 1977
Italy 1977 saw a spontaneous and creative outbreaks of rebellion
demonstrating that the potential for revolution still exists in the working
class of the industrialised west - no matter what the leftie cynics say.
Tension built up throughout 1976 with the growth of autonomi (groups
outside traditional left / Union formations) and the Circollo Del
Proletariato Giovanile (Circles of Proletarian Youth), both strong in the
slum areas of the great northern industrial cities. They developed many
confrontational tactics directly linked to working class needs. The most
successful was autoriduzione (self-reduction), where price rises in
essential commodities were not paid, or communities decided a fair price.
Direct sabotage of capitalist property was also popular  blowing their
cars up, beating up particularly authoritarian bosses, or refusing to let
them enter the factories. These tactics grew in popularity, worrying both
the leftists and the capitalists, as all relations of dominance were
brought into question.
Things blew up in Bologna in early 1977, when Lama, the leader of the
Stalinist CGIL Union went to the University to lecture members of the
Circollo and Autonomi (who used it as a base) and students, arguing they
should join the Communist Party. He was chased from the building, and only
saved from serious harm by his security team and the cops he had brought
with him. The University head called in cops to restore order, sparking off
a fierce battle leading to the occupation of all the university facilities,
which became the focus for workers and students meeting (as in Paris 1968).
This soon developed into larger public manifestations, culminating in the
physical capture of Bologna for three days in March, following the shooting
of a demonstrator. An eyewitness wrote that Downtown, numerous shops and
luxury restaurants were looted; side by side with young proletarians, old
pensioners could be seen fleeing happily, pushing handcarts full of
delicacies. For once in these streets and squares people were
communicatingover the next few days police found scores of guns and rifles
hidden in improbable places, the fruit of an armoury raid. Similar
episodes occurred in Rome, Milan and Turin. Radio Alice was set up, and
broadcast the movements of police and troops, which helped extend the
occupation. Eventually the movement was repressed, with all the political
parties working hand in hand with the judiciary, but the lesson remains 
anything is possible!

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