If You're Marketing a Product, Service or MLM/Opportunity
You Will Definitely Be Interested In What We Have To Offer.

Start Generating As Many ORDERS and/or SIGN-UPS as You Can Handle!

We currently have discounts on 2 advertising programs:

Targeted Email Promotion: You'll have a fresh
targeted list extracted and compiled based on your target
market. We'll create the email ad for you. We'll email out
your ad to the targeted list and forward you the replies via
email as they come in. We filter all responses through our
own email accounts. No flames, complaints or headaches.
Extremely cost-effective, targeted email advertising!

Platinum Email Promotion: We have an IN-HOUSE
List of people who have responded by email to various ads,
such as business opportunities, business products and services,
as well as health/nutritional products and other consumer products.
Naturally, as these people have responded to ads in the past, this
is a pretty responsive list! These people have "raised there hand"
indicating a very specific interest in your type of offer!

When you work with us, here's what you get:

- Fresh, targeted, qualified leads!
- Free Ad Copy!
- Free Target Market Research!
- Free Database Setup and Maintenance
- Free email sending, reply filtering, and reply forwarding
- Free Referral Program!


.... Free Unlimited Personalized Marketing Support!!

Contact Us To Discuss Increasing Your Business Cash Flow

Submit The Following Information And You'll Receive The Full Details And Discount Pricing Shortly

"Yes! Please send details and discount pricing on the following programs!"
(check all that apply):

Targeted Email Promotion

Platinum Email Promotion

Phone Number:

Best Time To Call:

Mornings Afternoons Evenings Nights
Website URL:
Business Type:

CALL For Details and Discount Pricing
Toll Free: 1-866-853-8319 ext. 1
(24 Hours)

Or, Send Email To:
==> LeadGeneration2<==

Start Generating As Many ORDERS and/or SIGN-UPS as You Can Handle!

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