On 4 Apr 2002 at 14:55, John Young wrote:
>   "The current-issue 62gr 5.56mm (223) round, especially when
>   fired from the short-barreled, M-4 carbine, is proving itself
>   (once again) to be woefully inadequate as man stopper.
>   Engagements at all ranges are requiring multiple, solid hits
>   to permanently bring down enemy soldiers.

Rapid fire weapons are generally not designed to bring down people
in one hit.

Military weapons are generally not designed to kill quickly.  A
badly wounded man who takes a long time dying is a much bigger
drain on your enemy's resources.

An ideal low fire rate weapon will in a single shot so badly wound
a man that he will soon die, unless he receives very prompt and
expert medical attention, but does not "drop" him.

An ideal rapid fire weapon will reliably cause serious and often
permanent injury in a single hit, but will typically take several
hits to so badly wound a man that he will shortly die. 

         James A. Donald

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