At 08:38 PM 4/5/02 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>    --
>James A. Donald:
>> > Military weapons are generally not designed to kill quickly.
>> > A badly wounded man who takes a long time dying is a much
>> > bigger drain on your enemy's resources.
>Major Variola
>> True for snipers, but if you're being shot at and have
>> inadequate cover,
>A badly wounded man will instantly lose interest in his mission.

A badly wounded *Christian* draftee/unemployable but not wannabe

>Instant deterrence is in many ways better for military purposes
>than instant kill.  Instant kill only matters in close quarters
>one on one combat.  (And is much overrated even in that

Indeed ---US domestic police shoot to kill, not 'wound', because
they shoot when someone's life is in imminent danger.

>The only use for instant kill weapon in warfare would be for an
>officer to shoot mutineers.

Or vice-versa.

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