Airbus, the European jet manufacturer, is planning to build concealed
cameras into the light fittings above the seats in its aircraft. The
idea is to let the crew monitor passengers and spot hijackers before
they strike. The cameras also work in the dark.

The move is part of an attempt to reassure people who have been
frightened off flying since the 11 September attacks.

At an airline technology conference in Prague last week, a delegate from
the VALK Foundation said that before 11 September, none of the 4000
people it has helped to overcome their fear of flying had ever cited
hijacking as the root of their fear. But since then it has become the
main fear for a third of its clients.

The industry hopes that well-publicised improvements in airline security
will quell passengers' fears. Airbus, working with American aerospace
technology company Goodrich, thinks the best strategy is to let
passengers know that everyone is being watched by hidden cameras.

Infrared image

One plan Airbus is considering, says the firm's cabin security expert
Rolf Gvdecke, involves hiding a tiny camera inside the light fittings
above each passenger seat, surrounded by a ring of infrared LEDs. The
cameras will normally work with ambient light, but switch to infrared
when the cabin is dark.

Black-and-white images captured by the cameras will be fed to screens in
the cockpit via the cables used to distribute pictures to seat-back
video screens. Although only some lights will have cameras, potential
terrorists will not know which ones.

A less ambitious system, which Airbus is now fitting to all its new
planes, will monitor the area behind the cockpit door. Under new rules,
cockpit doors are being reinforced to protect the flight-deck crew from
attackers. But they still need to open the door to get to the toilets
and to let cabin crew members bring them meals and drinks. So Airbus is
putting three overhead cameras with wide-angle lenses around the cockpit
door to send pictures to an LCD screen in the cockpit.

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