Adam Back wrote:
> Largest thing I bought cash was 2,000 GBP for a 2nd hand car some
> years ago.  I did toy with trying to buy a house with paper cash to
> see if it could be done, but I didn't bother in the end -- but I think
> that all that would have happened is the seller's lawyer would go to
> the bank and pay it in to make sure it's good.

Actually, the way house buying works (generally) in the UK is that you
deposit your money with _your_ solicitor, who promises the seller's
solicitor that they have it, contracts are exchanged (typically by fax!)
and then they settle at their convenience. Scarily insecure,

In fact, many years ago I had a solicitor who trusted me to such an
extent that he financed a house purchase from his firm's client slush
fund (i.e. he promised that he had the money even though he hadn't, and
was prepared to back it from that fund). That's the kind of personal
touch bits on the wire will never replace :-)

Oh, incidentally, this whole process is going to become bits on the wire
very shortly, I believe - one of the first high-value transactions to
become so in the UK. The UK Land Registry has been all electronic for a
long time, too, I'm told. But because it works we don't hear about it




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

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