R. H. Coase wrote two very interesting articles in The Journal of Law and 
Economics, called "The Federal Communications Commission" (Oct. 1959) and 
"The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee" (Oct. 1962). These articles 
focus on the two key agencies in the United States that manage spectrum 
allocation policy. He argues that because the set of frequencies is 
limited, the proper method for allocation is to create a market in 
frequencies. I am a great admirer of Coase's clear systems thinking, 
especially his work on transaction cost economics, for which he won the 
Nobel. The problem with his argument is that his understanding of 
information theory and communications is pre-Shannon - when we begin 
measuring the utility of the spectrum in terms of its information capacity 
and options to connect, rather than the number of frequency channels, the 
scarcity argument does not apply. However, these are excellent articles, 
which everyone involved in the debate must read - I hope to find online 
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