At 09:03 PM 5/24/02 -0700, Eric Cordian wrote:
>The FBI currently has its shorts in a wad over the numerous Web sites
>featuring the short but poignant last moments of Wall Street Journal
>reporter Daniel Pearl.

>It seems unlikely that creation, sale, or possession of depictions of
>Americans being harmed in an illegal manner by political extremists
>remain legal for long.

NB: KaZaa has versions in .asf, .mpg, and .ram copied from the net.
Some of the web sites mentioned in the Wired article are still up, so
historians, archivists, librarians, spooks, professors, reporters, and
academic-jihadi can check out the film from there --or can receive
upon request anonymous copies if the web sites find a black boot
stomping their face, forever.

The film contains political messages which the government doesn't want
you to hear: americans are toast in pakistan because of their
government's middle-eastern
interference.  Hardly surprising.  No hostility towards democracy,
freedom, or Brittney Spears.
They use rolling-text to print their concerns in english, and use simple
so they have some video-production facility.  They also want their F-16s

that they paid for (and never got), which is the only comic relief in
the film.

Pearl looks dead already when they sever his neck.  (Cf the "Russian
soldier snuff film")
He doesn't look stressed when he talks about his jewish and Israeli
ties, though of course
he's been kidnapped and is under duress.

Released 2002, originally in PAL format
Producers: Pakistani Islamic Jihad, LLP
Rating: Not yet rated.  Some decapitation (on par with any surgery web
site) no drugs, no foul language.
Actors: Daniel Pearl, unknown Jehadi staff
Cameos by various dead palestinians babies

No, I don't know that unbelievers should be considered as
citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation
Allah. -GW Bush

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