On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Dave Emery wrote:

>       And telling the public that they face serious jail time if they
> don't turn in that Creative Soundblaster from the old PC in the attic
> closet isn't going to fly.   The sheeple may be sheep but even they
> aren't going to accept that kind of nonsense from Hollywood or any
> corrupt congress.
>       I'd even venture to say that if this issue breaks out into
> the big time and the public really is faced with crippled devices
> that don't work and mandatory obselescence of existing expensive
> computer and entertainment systems with potential jail time for
> use of old equipment that the backlash will be so intense that
> raw public votes will control over Hollywood money.

I think that's what boils down to the "bottom line".  Because there are
so many units in place that can do the bypass, there will be enough time
to create a backlash.  There's already a backlash on "protected" CD's,
mostly by consumers who can't play them on older CD players.  It's just
not gonna fly with the public, so that may be all it takes to stomp
hollywood on this one.  Time will tell I guess.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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