I was reading a late-70's paper on computer security recently when I saw that
it contains a nice quote about the futility of trying to use biometrics to
prevent Sept.11-type attacks, I thought I'd share it with people:

  When a highway patrolman is sent to his duty, he has to be given the
  authority to cite traffic violators.  This cannot be done explicitly for each
  violator because at the time that the patrolman is sent to his duty, the
  traffic violator does not exist, and the identity of the future violators is
  not known, so that it is impossible to construct individual access rights for
  the violators at that time.  The point is that the patrolman's authority has
  to do with the behaviour of motorists, not their identity.

  - Naftaly Minsky, "An Operation-Control Scheme for Authorisation in Computer
    Systems", International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences,
    Vol.2, No.2, June 1978, p.157.


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