Data retention is being done now by programs and services
which cache data to ease loading on servers and networks.
No approval needed from  anybody, indeed, the service is
being offered as a cost saver and expeditor of net services
to ISPs and anybody else who might be eager to get around
restrictions on data retention, not because of privacy and
civil liberties concerns but because the increase in loading
and competition is driving the technology.

What will prevent an ISP from sharing its cached data retention,
-- performed to remain competitive in the market -- with officials
who just might ask for a favor through the legal department, 
knowing nobody will know what's going on, and what the hell, 
that nobody cares so long as the cost of services is kept low?
Why not give up privacy for a cheap deal?

A skeptic might wonder why all the folderole about the EuroParl
and DoJ proposals and implementatios when the really good
stuff is already accessible, no complicated procedures required
to sample the stored produce. No evidence that anybody has
taken a look, grabbed some data of the usual suspects.

A sample of above-board date retention products via caching
offerer, which brags all its products retain data in the interest
of always marketable cost savings:

The URL sent by anonymous.

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