Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is More Bring {rtd} I was the former Vice Chairman of Petroleum Trust Fund 
(P.T.F), which was dissolved by the correct Democratic President of Nigeria.

I got your through from International Business Directory with the belief that you will 
be of assistance in this promising business transaction. I acquired some money during 
my time in the office as vice chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (P.T.F).

The said money is amounted to the tune of US$95 (Ninty-Five Million United State 
Dollar). Which i deposited in a Security Company for safe keeping, I have been paying 
for the demurrage incurred by the money for the past 3 years, which I feif is not 
profitable for me.

I would like to invest  in your company not minding going into partnership with you or 
you introduce me to some other lucrative and profitable business in your country for 
me to invest this money.

If, we can arrive at a proper momorandum of understanding I will furnish you with more 
details regarding this transaction.

The sharing pattern would be profitable for both of us. Please your earliest reply 
will be much appreciate. My direct 

Thank for your understanding.

Best regards

Col. Prince Roland (rtd)

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