----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Lackey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I consider DRM systems (even the not-secure, not-mandated versions)
> evil due to the high likelyhood they will be used as technical
> building blocks upon which to deploy mandated, draconian DRM systems.

The same argument can be applied to just about any tool.

A knife has a high likelihood of being used in such a manner that it causes
physical damage to an individual (e.g. you cut yourself while slicing your
dinner) at some point in its useful lifetime. Do we declare knives evil?

A hammer has a high likelihood of at some point in its useful life causing
physical damage to both an individual and property. Do we declare hammers

DRM is a tool. Tools can be used for good, and tools can be used for evil,
but that does not make a tool inherently good or evil. DRM has a place where
it is a suitable tool, but one should not declare a tool evil simply because
an individual or group uses the tool for purposes that have been declared

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