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At 1:22 PM -0700 on 7/7/02, John Young seems a little irony-impaired

> Bob "Open Mike" Hettinga  kariokaed:
>>I try not to post "news" to cypherpunks. :-). I post *lots* of news
>>to the dbs list, of course...
>>To prevent spamming DCSB is subscriber only, as are all my own
> Rolling in the phsst-shot EVA, shitting my spacesuit, wailing for
> yo  momma's impaired irony: gameboy, that's not a joystick.
My Younglish parser is a bit rusty, but methinks the gentleman doth
defecate too much.

I seem to remember someone who boosted his own karma rating around
here for a while by posting full NYT articles to

Young stopped. I did too.

Of course, it took a nastygram from NYT's lawyers to stop him. And,
since the NYT doesn't read cypherpunks anymore, :-), it took a
surprisingly polite request from Mr. May to (more or less :-)) stop
me a few years back. I believe he actually said "please", and
included no threat of physical force, which was, frankly, shocking,
given our relationship at the time. So, I continued to send stuff to
e$pam, which we folded, and DCSB, which got the same reaction as
cypherpunks so I quit there, and, later, dbs, which doesn't matter
because I own the list. Oddly enough, dbs' subscribership has
stabilized and gone up a smidge since, which is nice. I also send
crypto-relevant bits to cryptography, which Perry moderates, sending
along what he thinks the readership wants to see, which might be what
John's mewling about above.

Of course, I haven't checked my killfile, but I bet Choate still
persists in posting un-contexted links here, which are, for the most
part much more annoying, though considerably more parsimonious of

It must be all that hard groundwater in Texas causing extreme
hard-headness in character. In Young's and my case, it got diluted by
all that acid rain up here in the NE, and we eventually learned to
listen to reason, if not threats of impecuniosity and/or bodily harm.

For Choate, of course, who's still drinking the stuff, there's
apparently no hope.

Anyway, John, for old time's sake, a little Spanglish aphorism is in
order: "Y tu mama tambien, Cabron".


Version: PGP 7.5


R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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