On Thursday 11 July 2002 13:32, Tim May wrote:

(Regarding SS and other USG liabilities)

> Charge it...some future generation will pay.

I hope not. Addressing only the SS issue and not other USG debt, I'm 
attempting to organize a nation-wide grassroots movement. On a 
to-be-announced "F-day", every member of the movement will kill a 
designated old fart, one who has long since taken back out of SS 
anything s/he put into the system and is now subsisting solely on SS 
checks and other welfare. Bonus points for killing an old fart who has 
taken much more out of the system than he put in and yet was loudly 
agitating for an increase in benefits to help "the greatest generation, 
who gave so much for their country". Old farts who are still working or 
who are living on saved assets are exempt.

I'd prefer a system which simply cut off benefits once a person's own 
"contributions" had been exhausted (sort of like, you know, a personal 
retirement account) but that seems to be a non-option. (I'd _really_ 
prefer a system where each person was responsible for his own late-life 
well-being, but that kind of talk just gets you thrown in the loony bin 
these days.)

Anyone interested in the F-day movement might also be interested in 
L-day (for lawyers) and CP-day (for career politicians). Web sites 


Steve Furlong    Computer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

Vote Idiotarian --- it's easier than thinking

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