> James wrote:
> > On 11 Jul 2002 at 1:22, Lucky Green wrote:
> > > "Trusted roots" have long been bought and sold on the 
> > secondary market 
> > > as any other commodity. For surprisingly low amounts, you 
> > too can own 
> > > a trusted root that comes pre-installed in >95% of all web browsers 
> > > deployed.
> > 
> >  How much, typically?
> I'd rather not state the exact figures. A search of SEC filings may or
> may not turn up further details.
> > And who actually owns these numerous trusted roots? 
> I am not sure I understand the question.
> --Lucky
I think I do. A 'second hand' root key seems to have some
trust issues - the thing you are buying is the private half
of a public key pair .... but that's just a piece of information.
How can you be sure that, as purchaser, you are the *only*
possessor of the key, and no one else has another copy (the
seller, for example)?

Peter Trei

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