Peter Baker here!!

This is working guys!! do this!! the reason it works is because there is only 2
names on this list. Fast money & about 80% responding!!

Follow the directions below and in two weeks you'll have at least $20,000
because most people respond due to low investment and high profit potential.
Just donate ten dollars ($10.00) to one (1) person. That's all. 

Now let me tell the simple details. Log on to <> 
and send the
first (1st) person's e-mail on the list a $10.00 donation.

PayPal will ask you to select type, select: service, and put $10.00 donation"
for the subject. 

Remember, only the first person on the list gets your $10.00 donation. Then
remove that person's name and e-mail from the list, and move the other name and
e-mail to Position One. Add your name and e-mail to Position Two.

After you have retyped the names in the new order, send to as many people as
possible immediately!

That's all there is to it. When your name reaches the first position in about 2
days (or less), it will be your turn to receive 
donations!They will be sent to you by approximately two thousand (2,000) people
like yourself who are willing to invest $10.00 to receive $20,000.

So when you find yourself short on cash, just take out your $20,000 donation
program and send it to (50) prospects. Imagine if you sent it to 100 or even

Most people spend more than $10 on lottery every week or two with no real hope
of ever winning. This is the answer to your prayers.

*Peter Baker*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*Joseph Atkisson*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Integrity and honesty make this plan work. At this time participants have been
receiving an 80% return! The majority have received about $18,000 to $22,000 so
far. This is not a chain letter. You can refer to title 18, Section 1302 of the
Postal and Lottery Code.

Remember - TIME is of the essence!

God Bless.

Peter Baker 
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