
Premium Phone Qualified
Business Opportunity Leads

If you're spending money marketing a Business Opportunity or MLM,
you will definitely be interested in
what we have to offer you.

You're tired of blindly spending money for leads and not having
any idea what kind of response you'll get from it.  Sometimes
calling 100 people without one single signup!  Sometimes
talking to people who have been bombarded by bizop pitches
to the point of them hanging up when you call!  (Leads oversold)

We're here to help!

We'll get you qualified leads for your MLM or Business Opportunity.


No qualifiers, no conditions, no nonsense.

We'll do it quickly, and professionally.

And we won't ask you for a single dime without guaranteeing results!

Here's How We Generate Our Leads...

- All of these Leads are generated IN-HOUSE!

- One source we use for Lead-generation is a Business Opportunity
Seeker Lead List
of people who have requested info. about making
extra income from home by either filling out an online questionnaire,
or responding to an email ad, classified ad, postcard, etc.,.

- The other source we use is an Automated Call Center.
We have computerized software that dials up LOCAL residents,
plays a recorded message asking them if they're interested in
making money from home.  If they are, the system records their
name and phone number for us to CALL BACK AND QUALIFY.

- The prospects that come from either of the above sources are then
PHONE INTERVIEWED BY US, here in our offices and the following
info. is asked (after confirming their desire to find an opportunity):

Best time to call:
Reason they want to work from home!:
How much they want to make per month:
How much time they can commit per week:
How much money they have available for startup:
If they see an opportunity, how soon they would get started:

We'll close by telling them they'll be contacted by no
more than 3 or 4 people regarding different opportunities.

- Then the Leads are submitted to a website we set up for you,
from which the results are then forwarded to you by email.

- This way, you get the Leads fresh, and in *real-time*
(only minutes old).  Never more than 24 hours old.  Guaranteed!

- We GUARANTEE that you'll receive AT LEAST a valid Name,
Phone Number and the Time-Date Stamp corresponding to when
the Lead was generated!  However, almost ALL leads will have
ALL of the information asked above.

Benefits of our Phone Qualified Lead Generation System:

1. They will be Extremely Qualified due to the nature of the
qualifying questions that will be asked (above).

2. They are Super-Fresh!  Delivered in Real-Time only moments
after they are contacted and qualified!  (Not 30-120 days old)

3. They're Targeted.  Each Lead we generate originates from a
targeted list of business opportunity seekers.

4. They're Highly Receptive!  Receptivity is very, very high
because they aren't bombarded by tons of people pitching
them on opportunities!
  Also they'll remember speaking to
someone over the phone.  Especially since we tell them to
expect your call!

5. No "feast or famine" activity.  Leads will be coming in
regularly.  You dictate the flow!

6. No more cold calls!  We tell your prospects you'll be calling.

7. You can *personalize* your approach with the info. you
get with each Lead!

8. Save Time.  Naturally, better Leads means less calls to get a sale.

9. Lower "burnout" factor.  Calling red-hot Leads makes it easier
to pick up the phone, day in and day out.

10. You can sort your Leads based on their responses and call the
hottest ones first.

11. You can get new reps started quicker using these Leads due
to higher closing ratios.  Of course, this builds faster and stronger
momentum, and skyrockets "new rep retention" as a result of
"quick successes".

12. The Leads will be uniform - almost all leads will have the info.
indicated above. (All leads will have valid phone numbers.)

13. They're double-qualified because to generate the Lead,
a list of previous business opportunity seekers is used.

14. Excellent control of the flow of Leads coming through.

If you've been trying to run things too long without a steady flow of high
quality leads, call us NOW to get things in motion.  Just let us know
what program you want to advertise and we'll create a customized
lead-generation campaign for you.

Since your need to get business moving has probably never been
more critical than it is today, why not call us NOW!

These are fresh, highly qualified leads because these people aren't
just responding to some "Generic Business Opportunity" ad, they're
contacted over the phone specifically for YOUR company!  And we
forward you the leads within minutes of the lead being generated - not
days, weeks, or months!

Start Generating As Many SIGN-UPS as You Can Handle!
Explode Your Downline and Income!

Call For Details and Discount Pricing!
Toll Free 1-866-853-8319 ext.1

Or email us here for full details

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