"E-bomb" may see first combat use in Iraq
17:45 08 August 02 NewScientist.com news service
Weapons designed to attack electronic systems and not people could see 
their first combat use in any military attack on Iraq.
It is widely believed that the US is planning for an attack that could 
overthrow Iraq's leader, Saddam Hussein, who it believes is developing 
weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqi president responded publicly for the 
first time on Thursday, exhorting Iraqis to be prepared "with all the force 
you can to face your enemies".
US intelligence reports indicate that key elements of the Iraqi war machine 
are located in heavily-fortified underground facilities or beneath civilian 
buildings such as hospitals. This means the role of non-lethal and 
precision weapons would be a critical factor in any conflict.
High Power Microwave (HPM) devices are designed to destroy electronic 
equipment in command, control, communications and computer targets and are 
available to the US military. They produce an electromagnetic field of such 
intensity that their effect can be far more devastating than a lighting strike.
Pumped flux
The effect exploited by HPM weapons was accidentally demonstrated in the 
1950s when street lights in Hawaii were knocked out by the electromagnetic 
pulse produced by high altitude nuclear tests.
One unclassified approach to producing the required pulse is a device 
called an Explosive Pumped Flux Generator. In this a charged bank of 
capacitors energises a coil wrapped around a copper tube, which itself 
contains high explosives.
On detonation, the explosives expand the tube from the back and moves 
rapidly forward, forcing the tube to make progressive contact with the coil 
and causing a short circuit. This has the effect of crushing the magnetic 
field at the same time as reducing the coil's inductance.
The resultant spike lasts tens to hundreds of microseconds and can produce 
peak currents of tens of millions of Amps and peak energies of tens of 
millions of Joules. By comparison, a typical lighting strike produces 
around 30,000 Amps.
Single use
HPM weapons would be single-use and could be delivered on almost any a 
cruise missile or unmanned aircraft. Future devices are likely to be re-usable.
Military planners will be particularly interested in claimed ability of HPM 
weapon's to penetrate bunkers buried deep underground by using service 
pipes, cables or ducts to transmit the spike. Insulating equipment from 
such spikes, for example by using Faraday cages, is believed to be very 
difficult and expensive.
Another weapon that targets electronic equipment has already seen use in 
the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s. Blackout bombs, such as the formerly 
classified BLU-114/B, releases a spider's web of fine carbon filaments into 
the air above electrical distribution infrastructures. This causes short 
circuits when the filaments touch the ground.
Tomahawk cruise missiles fitted with warheads operating on similar lines 
attacked the Iraqi power grid during the 1990 Gulf war.
David Windle

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