Global warmth for US after 9/11 turns to frost
Article about the growing popular antipathy towards US policy and culture 
in the UK and Europe ( USA Today )
See also this Guardian article from Thursday, this article by Gerald 
Kaufman from last week, in which the UK parliamentarian refers to George W 
Bush as 'the most intellectually backward American president of my 
political lifetime ... surrounded by advisers whose bellicosity is exceeded 
only by their political, military and diplomatic illiteracy', this Guardian 
article from earlier this month, in which Oxford biologist Richard Dawkins 
is quoted as referring to George W Bush as 'this unelected and deeply 
stupid little oil spiv', and this blog entry from May
Testimony Prepared for Hearings on Iraq Policy Senate Foreign Relations 
Methodical argument against a US invasion of Iraq
( Phyllis Bennis via TNI )
See also this US State Dept report from May, this DIA document from 1991, 
the text of UN Resolution 687 from 1991, this index page for IAEA 
inspection reports on Iraq, and this interview with Bennis from last 

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