US lawsuit ‘worthless and ineffective’
RIYADH/JEDDAH, 19 August — Saudi lawyers have described the lawsuit filed 
by relatives of people killed in the Sept. 11 attacks in the US as 
"worthless and ineffective under US law.""They can only demand compensation 
after the parties involved are convicted," the lawyers said referring to 
the lawsuit seeking trillions... (full story).

Saudi banks, more charities deny terrorism charge
RIYADH, 19 August — More Islamic charities and Saudi banks named in a 
lawsuit by families of Sept. 11 victims denied yesterday any role in 
funding terrorism and blasted the case as an attempt to extort Saudi wealth 
abroad.In a civil suit filed in a Washington court on Thursday, 
relatives... (full story).
Boycott calls gathering momentum in Kingdom
JEDDAH, 19 August — Calls for boycotting US products in the Kingdom and 
elsewhere in the Middle East are growing as many Muslims believe that it is 
an effective weapon to change America’s pro-Israeli policies."We should not 
ignore the calls for boycott of US products. It has proved effective," 
Ihsan... (full story).
A boycott on oil sales might help.
Challenging ignorance on Islam: A ten-point primer for Americans
"We should invade [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders and convert them 
to Christianity." Columnist Ann Coulter, National Review Online, Sept. 13, 
2001 "Just turn [the sheriff] loose and have him arrest every Muslim that 
crosses the state line." Rep. C. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), chairman of the 
House Subcommittee on Terrorism... (full story).
Making enemies of one’s friends
LONDON, 19 August — Europeans are beginning to experience the same 
sensations of impotence that Muslims long have. Whatever they think or say, 
it is tossed in the wastepaper basket by their American friends.In the last 
week or so it has become evident that the Bush administration is hell 
bent... (full story).

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