OK so a lot might be freepers and feds but still...and its always going to 
be early days for the web,we all know that,right?
WWelcome to the second issue of an irregular update on the Infoshop.org 
project. We hope that this update can help you find new features and 
understand what is going on with this project. As the Infoshop.org project 
grows and includes more and more volunteers, regular communication is 
becoming more important.
Infoshop.org has been causing trouble on the web since it went online in 
January 1995 as the Mid-Atlantic Infoshop. With over 3 million hits a month 
as of last year, Infoshop.org is considered by many to be a valuable 
resource to the anarchist and anti-capitalist movements, as well as for 
thousands of people who are simply looking for alternatives to the current 
capitalist system. The website is graciously hosted by the 
flag.blackened.net server, which is part of a collective of anarchist and 
anti-authoritarian digital activists. The webmaster and coordinator of 
Infoshop is Chuck "Chuck0" Munson. The website is becoming more of a 
collaborative network project every day.

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