Yes, Steve, the 1099 describes payments made to others, or is 
supposed to, but 1099s are shifty and don't always conform to reality. 

So if you believe the 1099, Digicash either made at least $481K
or got it somehow or just made up the number in a venture to
fleece a lender or flummox a Chaum Family doubter. 

Note the checked box for "corrected." What was originally reported is
unknown. But whoever got stiffed by Digicash's bankruptcy might
like to know more about where the $481, real or fictional, came from 
as well as how that compares to what was initially "incorrectly" 
reported to IRS, to the bankruptcy court and to debtors -- some
of the latter, as noted here long ago, are aggrieved employees.

Note also that the 1099 is not signed and dated. Whether it is
a draft or final is unknown. Could even be a piece of pure shit
sunshine in accord with never, ever lie to the IRS principal
all citizens follow.

Robert, WTF you asking? The doc came from Anonymous,
the one and only reliable source. Inhale, hold it.

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