These people need our support. They are facing a lot of time and the 
Portland Joint Terrorism Task Force is looking to convict some people to 
justify their existence.Please check the website below to keep updated on 
this case.

August 14: Four Activists Indicted for Log Truck Arson (Portland, Oregon)

The Oregon FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested two people today in 
connection with an arson fire that damaged log trucks in Eagle Creek in 
June of last year. Two others were indicted and are being sought.The truck 
fire happened near where protesters were camped out to block the 
now-canceled Eagle Creek timber sale. The fire destroyed these log trucks 
near Eagle Creek in June 2001. Federal prosecutors said the suspects face 
up to a million dollars in fines and 30 years in jail. A well-known 
Portland activist is among those indicted. Michael J. Scarpitti -- who goes 
by the name Tre Arrow -- is most known for living on a ledge of the U.S. 
Forest Service building in downtown Portland two years ago in a timber 
protest that lasted eleven days. Officers are searching for Scarpitti, 
along with activist Angela Marie Cesario, to arrest them in this developing 
case.Twenty-year-old Jacob Sherman and 25-year-old Jeremy Rosenbloom were 
indicted by a federal grand jury shortly before today's arrests at their 
residences. They made an initial court appearance this afternoon and trial 
was set for October 16th. Investigators said these arrests are a key 
breakthrough in the investigation into the ecoterrorism arson case at Eagle 
Creek. The damaged log trucks belong to Ray Schoppert Logging Company, 
which had a contract to log the 1,030-acre Eagle Creek timber sale. The 
sale was the subject of prolonged protests and has since been canceled. 
Court documents do not link the four suspects to the ecoterrorism groups 
ELF or ALF, but said the incinerary devices used to torch the Eagle Creek 
logging trucks were similiar to the formula used to set Ross Island Sand 
and Gravel trucks on fire in a similar case. The Earth Liberation Front 
claimed responsibility in that arson but the case is still pending.

August 15: Update on Log Truck Arson Indictments Popular forest activist 
Tre Arrow remained a fugitive on arson charges Wednesday as a federal 
magistrate in Portland freed his three co-defendants from jail pending 
trial. Arrow's co-defendants Jacob D.B. Sherman, 20; Angela M. Cesario, 23; 
and Jeremy D. Rosenbloom, 25 -- pleaded not guilty to charges that they set 
fire to logging trucks during last year's protests of the Eagle Creek 
timber sale. Each faces up to 80 years in prison. Authorities took Sherman 
and Rosenbloom into custody Tuesday morning, and Cesario turned herself in 
that evening. Attorneys for the three said in court Wednesday that their 
clients have long been aware the FBI was investigating the June 1, 2001, 
arson at Ray A. Schoppert Logging Inc. near Estacada. Yet none fled, they 
said. U.S. Magistrate Judge John Jelderks noted that the three had no 
criminal records, held jobs and were students at Portland State University. 
Jelderks released them pending trial but with conditions: They must remain 
in Portland -- Cesario also may travel to Gresham -- and stay at home 
between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Also, Jelderks said they are not to associate 
with environmental groups. None of the activists quibbled about that 
condition But Andrew Bates, Sherman's lawyer, argued that it appeared to 
violate free-speech rights. "It seems fundamentally unconstitutional," he 
said. Jelderks said the defendants were free to return to court seeking 
redress of the restriction. But he cautioned that FBI agents might monitor 
such associations as part of their investigation, which might hurt their 
defense. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CFA Statement About a month 
before the Portland Joint Terrorism Task Force (PJTTF) is scheduled to 
expire (pending reauthorization by the Portland City Council) it has 
indicted four people for damaging three log trucks more than a year ago. 
Under pressure to produce “results” to justify its continued existence, the 
suspicious timing of these indictments appears to be politically motivated. 
Police and PJTTF refused to reveal even general information about the 
evidence they are using to justify the indictments. They also refused to 
answer questions from the media about how much money has been spent on this 

During hearings last fall, city officials admitted that the PJTTF’s files 
are completely insulated from all public review, including Mayor Katz and 
even Chief Kroeker himself. Given the highly suspicious nature of these 
indictments, the lack of accountability to the people of Portland, and the 
well documented FBI history of framing activists,we have no confidence in 
the validity of these indictments.

On June 11, 2002, a court verdict proved that the FBI, in collusion with 
the Oakland Police Department, violated the First and Fourth Amendment 
rights of Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney. The jury was 
outraged by the actions of the FBI and Oakland Police Department, and 
assigned $4.4 million in punitive and compensatory damages. (Bari v. USA, 
Northern District Court of California, 2002)

There is no better example than the Judi Bari case to show that the FBI 
continues to use covert action tactics against political movements and 
activists which they perceive as threats to the established order. In spite 
of knowing full well from their own expert's testimony that Bari and 
Cherney were innocent victims of a bomb attempt on their lives, the FBI and 
Oakland police continued to lie to the media, saying there was plenty of 
evidence they were the bombers. The FBI refused to follow up on ample 
evidence as to the identity of the true bomber, who remains at large to 
this day. The FBI used the “investigation” of the bombing as a pretext for 
nation-wide monitoring of EarthFirst!, creating dossiers on over 500 people 
who received phone calls from Bari or Cherney or one of 14 people 
associated with them.

Here in Portland, the PJTTF has amassed a consistent record of spying on 
and harrassing citizens engaged in legal, non-violent protests. Three of 
the four people indicted have been active with social justice issues 
through Portland State University. The fourth person indicted, Tre Arrow, 
has a history of very public nonviolent civil disobedience and ran against 
congressional representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore) on the Green Party 
ticket, receiving 15,000 votes

In a recent example of the collusion of local police departments and the 
FBI to suppress citizen dissent, people visiting a public timber sale area 
have been, in the last week, stopped, photographed, interrogated, 
hand-cuffed, harrassed and intimidated by law enforcement – after more than 
an hour of this mis-treatment, police released the citizens without charges.

These actions were justified by “an on-going investigation” into a 
non-violent protest at the Solo timber sale auction. Citizens engaged in 
lawful, Constitutionally-protected protest, had pictures, vehicle 
information and videotapes of themselves passed on to the FBI by the 
Clackamas County Sheriff. These “investigations” are thinly-veiled attempts 
to intimidate and prevent citizens from participating in activism to 
protect public forest lands.

The PJTTF has made no meaningful arrests, or progress towards enhancing 
public safety during its existence. Its focus seems to be “investigating” 
lawful nonviolent political groups and property crimes, not violent crimes 
against persons. This tactic appears to have little to do with protecting 
the public from terrorism, and points toward the PJTTF’s true intent: 
Defending big timber, biotech, and multinational corporations from the 
protests of outraged citizens.

Cascadia Forest Alliance stands in solidarity with those who are being 
harrassed and targeted by the PJTTF for their political beliefs. The 
PJTTF’s disgraceful attempts to justify their continued tax-payer funding 
do nothing to enhance public safety, while eroding civil liberties and the 
very freedoms that Oregonians and Americans hold dear. 
++++++++++++++++++++++++ FBI Press Release Regarding Four Arrests in 
Portland, Oregon

For Immediate Release- August 13, 2002

Portland, Oregon. (503) 224-4181

The Portland, Oregon FBIs Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) made two 
arrests on Tuesday, August 13, 2002, related to a domestic terrorism case. 
JTTF members arrested JACOB DAVID BARDWELL SHERMAN, age 20, and JEREMY 
DAVID ROSENBLOOM, age 25, this morning in connection with the arson attack 
at the Ray Schoppert Logging Company on June 1, 2001. The federal grand 
jury has also returned an indictment relating to the Schoppert arson 
ROSENBLOOM and MICHAEL J. SCARPITTI. The JTTF is attempting to locate 

Michael Mosman, United States Attorney for the District of Oregon; Hardy 
Myers, Oregon Attorney General; Charles Mathews III, Special Agent in 
Charge of the FBI in Oregon; Mark Kroeker, Chief of the Portland Police 
Bureau; Ron Ruecker, Superintendent of the Oregon State Police; David 
Bishop, Chief of the Beaverton Police Department; Carson Carroll, Special 
Agent in Charge of the Seattle Division of ATF; Craig Magill, Special Agent 
in Charge of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management; and Tom Lyons, Special 
Agent in Charge of the U.S. Forest Service, made the announcement on Tuesday.

Members of the JTTF made both of the arrests Tuesday morning without 
incident. SHERMAN, ROSENBLOOM, CESARIO, and SCARPITTI each face four counts 
for damaging vehicles and other property used in interstate commerce, for 
obstructing the movement of commodities in interstate commerce (Hobbs Act), 
for using violence to interfere with commerce (Hobbs Act) and using an 
incendiary device to commit an act of violence. If convicted on all counts, 
each person could face a fine of up to $1 million dollars or up to 80years 
in federal prison or both. Given a plea agreement or conviction at trial, 
it would be the responsibility of the federal judge presiding over these 
cases to determine punishment.

SHERMAN and ROSENBLOOM are currently in custody, awaiting their initial 
appearances before United States Magistrate Jelderks at 1:30 p.m. today. In 
addition to the arrests, JTTF members served a search warrant at SHERMAN's 
current residence, 7015 SE 39th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. The arson at 
Schoppert Logging Company caused about $50,000 in damage. The June, 1, 2001 
fire destroyed one truck and damaged two others. The trucks were sitting in 
front of the companys building on Highway 224 near Estacada when the fire 
broke out about 2:40 a.m. No person or group claimed responsibility for the 
fire. Schoppert Logging was under contract to start logging in the Eagle 
Creek area of the Mount Hood National Forest the very day of the attack.

Investigators have noted similarities in physical evidence found at the 
scene of the Schoppert fire and evidence found at the scene of the attack 
against Ross Island Sand and Gravel in Portland on April 15, 2001. The 
Earth Liberation Front (ELF) claimed responsibility for the Ross Island 
attack via a press release. This arson, which happened on Easter morning, 
destroyed three trucks and caused more than $200,000 in damage. The 
investigation into the Ross Island attack continues.

The FBI considers ELF a domestic terrorism group and both arsons to be acts 
of domestic terrorism. Todays arrests are the first for the JTTF relating 
to eco-terrorism investigations in Oregon. In addition to the Schoppert 
Logging Company and Ross Island Sand and Gravel arsons, the JTTF is 
investigating the following incidents considered acts of domestic 
terrorism: 10/28/96 U.S. Forest Service vehicle arson and Detroit Ranger 
Station vandalism, $20,000 in damages, Detroit, OR (no claim) 10/30/96 U.S. 
Forest Service Ranger Station arson fire, Oakridge, OR (no claim); 7/21/97 
Cavel West (horse meat packing company) arson, $1.4 million in damages, 
Redmond, OR (Animal Liberation Front claim); 11/29 - 11/30/97 Bureau of 
Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Corral, arson and release of 400 
horses, $350,000 in damages, Burns, OR (ALF claim); 12/27/98 U.S. Forest 
Industries arson, $500,000 in damages, Medford, OR (ELF claim); 9/99 
Childers Meat Company arson, $500,000 in damages, Eugene, OR (ALF claim); 
/25/99 Boise Cascade office arson, $1 million in damages, Monmouth, OR (ELF 
claim); 6/4-6/5/00 Pure Seed Testing vandalism, $300,000-$500,000 in 
damages, Canby, OR (Anarchist Golfing Association claim); 9/6/00 Eugene 
Police Department Substation arson fire, Eugene, OR (no claim); 1/2/01 
Superior Lumber Company, arson fire, $400,000 in damages, Glendale, OR (ELF 
claim); 3/30/01 Romania Chevrolet arson fire, $1 million in damages, 
Eugene, OR (no claim, ELF publicly supported); 5/21/01 Jefferson Poplar 
Farms arson, $500,000 in damages, Clatskanie, OR (ELF claim).

The Joint Terrorism Task Force includes 13 agencies: The Federal Bureau of 
Investigation; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; the Drug 
Enforcement Administration; the Immigration and Naturalization Service; the 
Internal Revenue Service; the U.S. Postal Service; the U.S. Secret Service; 
the U.S. Marshals Service; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; the U.S. 
Customs Service; the Oregon State Police; the Portland Police Bureau; and 
the Beaverton Police Department.

These charges are only an accusation of the crime. These defendants are 
presumed innocent until proven guilty.


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