ASSMAN #15 Stars Steve Holmes, Sophie Roche, Robert Rosenberg, ...
ASSMAN #15 Stars Steve Holmes, Sophie Roche, Robert Rosenberg, Rita 
Faltoyano, Richard
Langin, Jean-Yves Le Castel, Jean-Pierre Armand, Jane Blue, David Perry ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
Sophie Roche
 From RAME: Sophie Roche indeed has passed away. The French magazine Hot 
Video had a very small article in their february issue on the death of 
Sophie Roche. It seems that she passed away early in January 2002. While 
the article didn't mention that she had committed suicide, it did state 
that she passed away following a family tragedy, in French "un drame familial".
Gene, the Predictor of Events, strikes again: W. Chester officials try to 
shut out adult shops
Gene sez: I told you last year Cincinnati was going to be the du jour 
battle ground where the obscenity lines were going to be drawn in the sand. 
No one, much less the Free Speech Coalition, listened when the Elyse 
Metcalf trial came up. Now comes another story on the heels of the pending 
Jennifer Dute and Sean Jenkins' obscenity trials along with the Citizens 
for Community Values running amok in Cincinnati hotel rooms pulling the 
cords on adult pay per view.
 From the Cincinnati Enquirer : WEST CHESTER TWP. — Officials here want to 
make it tougher to open and operate a sexually oriented business in this 
fast-growing suburb strategically located along Interstate 75 between 
Cincinnati and Dayton. Township officials are planning to tighten their 
licensing and zoning codes for sexually oriented businesses, an idea that 
arose after a comment made during a recent campaign by one mall developer 
against another,
“The sex industry is simply not part of what we consider a diversified 
economic base for our community,” Trustee Catherine Stoker said. “There 
apparently is a constitutional right for people to dance about almost naked 
in public but I just don't see why they need to dance in West Chester.”
West Chester leaders are not alone in their desire to regulate such businesses.
In Northern Kentucky, municipalities in Kenton and Campbell counties are 
considering a study on regulating sexually oriented businesses; and this 
week Wilder city officials said they would, too, after a semi-nude dance 
club opened there last weekend.
And in Fairfield, after residents recently brought it to City Council's 
attention, a video store that had begun selling X-rated movies voluntarily 
removed the selections from its shelves.
West Chester trustees have agreed to spend up to $20,000 for the services 
of a Cleveland professor who is considered an expert on adult business law 
to review their codes once they are updated to reflect recent court decisions.
The move comes after Continental Retail Development of Columbus launched a 
campaign in May against competing developers trying to build a “lifestyle 
center” at Cincinnati-Dayton Road and Interstate 75. The strategy suggested 
that approval of the project would lead to adult businesses and traffic 
The lifestyle center was turned down by the township and is on hold pending 
a court appeal and rezoning. But the campaign underscored the need, 
township officials say, to examine their zoning and other rules related to 
sexually oriented businesses and make sure they are airtight as West 
Chester booms and becomes a hub between Cincinnati and Dayton.
“Significant concern has been raised about our enforceability on those 
regulations and I was concerned about those, too,” West Chester Planning 
and Zoning Director Brian Elliff told trustees. “I don't think it will 
happen but now that it's out in the open. I don't want anybody to get some 
ideas that they can come in here.”
Phil Burress, president of the anti-pornography group Citizens for 
Community Values, recently met with Mr. Elliff and Township Administrator 
Dave Gully to discuss sexually oriented businesses in West Chester. On 
Wednesday, Mr. Burress said a CCV attorney reviewed the township's codes 
and found holes. West Chester has four sexually oriented businesses — two 
stores that sell various items, one gas station that sells adult magazines 
and one video store, Mr. Burress said. There are no massage parlors or 
adult clubs, though a club did once briefly operate at I-75 and 
Cincinnati-Dayton Road. “West Chester is a prime location for adult 
businesses,” said Mr. Burress, a West Chester resident. “We are kind of 
heading in the wrong direction here. One business has opened a quarter of a 
mile from my house. This is not good news. These people sneak in, the trend 
starts and before you know it you have a strip club or book store.”
Officials aren't yet sure what exactly will be changed in their codes but 
say they are likely to adopt a model ordinance Cleveland State University 
professor Alan Weinstein already has developed based on his expertise with 
First Amendment law. Jimmy Flynt, who has made a career out of gauging the 
public's sexual appetite, says such moves often are more trouble than they 
are worth for municipalities.
“Most of these experts that they reach out and hire usually shoot the city 
in the foot,” said Mr. Flynt, brother of Hustler founder Larry Flynt and 
operator of the Hustler of Hollywood store in Monroe. “They either underdo 
it or overdo it. We still have our rights to do business.” Jimmy Flynt said 
he has no plans to expand into West Chester, though he, too, agrees it is a 
prime location for adult businesses. “I don't want to be in West Chester. 
That's where the cake eaters are,” he said. “I want to be up where we eat 
Sexually oriented businesses in West Chester now can operate only in 
specific areas zoned for general business and must go for review before the 
board of zoning appeals before opening. Locations where adult businesses 
can go are scattered throughout the township, Mr. Elliff said, but 
according to the zoning map, a heavily concentrated spot runs along the 
Cincinnati-Dayton Road/I-75 corridor. That road is being widened from two 
to five lanes. News that the township was updating its sexually oriented 
business codes drew lukewarm response this week from sex establishment 
The oldest one in West Chester, Pik Kwik Market off Ohio 747, has sold sex 
toys, oils, magazines, movies and other items for 30 years. “Sex is a 
beautiful thing,” manager Jeff Busemeyer said. “If they don't like what 
we're selling here, don't come in. Would they rather us get some guns in 
here and start selling guns?”
Maggie writes: Dear Gene. I was thinking of becoming a hooker. And after 
reading that story this morning about Kelly Jaye, I'm convinced this is the 
way to go. Two Vipers?! I would have settled for one.
Gene sez: No offense, Maggie, but I would change the name. I mean who needs 
Rod Stewart singing songs about you. Other than that, if you're a blond and 
have more legs than brains, I would encourage you in your pursuits. After 
all, you, too, might meet a Michael Fanghella.

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