Two more hotels pull sex movies

By Michael D. Clark, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Cincinnati Enquirer
NEWPORT — Two more Tristate hotels have agreed, under pressure from a local 
prosecutor and police, to remove adult, in-room movies after complaints 
from anti-pornography activists.
It's an unusual strategy, say its proponents and national experts, and a 
further sign that Greater Cincinnati continues to take a leading role 
nationally in battling the distribution of sexually explicit materials.
(Enquirer photo)
Campbell County prosecutors this month warned owners of the Comfort Suites 
hotel on Riverboat Row in Newport that they should cease offering adult 
movies to guests or face criminal charges.
Spurred by complaints from supporters of local anti-pornography activists 
from Sharonville-based Citizens for Community Values, Campbell County 
Prosecutor Justin Verst, working with Newport police, had officers secretly 
check into the hotel and videotape six adult movies.
Mr. Verst then sent a letter, dated Aug. 7, warning Comfort Suites 
officials that he believed that offering the movies, which he described as 
“hard-core pornographic material,” violated Kentucky law regarding 
distribution of obscene matter.
Two days later Comfort Suites officials responded by removing the adult 
Soon after, Mr. Verst said, other complaints prompted a Newport police 
investigation of the Travelodge, 220 York St.
Officers told owners to stop offering explicit adult videotape rentals to 
adult guests for viewing on in-room VCRs, and the owners complied.
Phil Burress, president of CCV, said his group's new strategy of targeting 
explicit adult movies offered by hotels is the first of its sort in the 
nation, and that more Tristate hotels will soon be investigated by CCV 
“The snowball is rolling now,” said Mr. Burress of his group's tactic that 
has affected three Tristate hotels in a month.
Bruce Taylor, president and chief counsel for the National Law Center for 
Children and Families, said no other anti-pornography group in the country 
has successfully pressured three hotels within one region to drop adult 
“That's unique,” Mr. Taylor, a former federal prosecutor, said Wednesday 
from the center's Fairfax, Va., headquarters.
He said that the Tristate's history of prosecuting obscenity — made famous 
beginning in the 1970s with Hamilton County's legal battles with Hustler 
publisher Larry Flynt — adds to the leverage the CCV wields.
“You have such a commitment and successful history of prosecution ... that 
the prosecutors only have to tell the hotels to remove the movies,” he said.
Earlier this month CCV officials grabbed national attention when they 
announced that their supporters had videotaped adult movies in the Marriott 
Northeast hotel in Deerfield Township and forwarded them to Warren County 
Prosecutor Tim Oliver. Mr. Oliver said be believed the movies violated 
Ohio's obscenity laws and warned Marriott officials of possible criminal 
charges, prompting them to remove the movies.
“I'd be very surprised if other actions are not taken by other prosecutors 
against hotels that are dealing in hard-core pornography,” said Mr. 
Burress, who declined to reveal any details.
The CCV, which was founded in 1983 as an anti-pornography, pro-family 
advocacy group, has been a high-profile lobbying force against Tristate 
pornography and what it claims are its detrimental effects on families, 
individuals and society.
But civil liberties advocates blasted CCV's strategy as unfair to adults 
who say actions against their limited entertainment options might soon be 
followed by other restrictions imposed by watchdog groups.
“The CCV is trying to export their own Taliban style of fundamentalism,” 
said Scott Greenwood, general counsel for the American Civil Liberties 
Union of Ohio and a Cincinnati-based attorney.
Mr. Greenwood said the anti-pornography group's latest strategy, focusing 
on mostly out-of-town travelers and tourists, “points out to a more 
pressing problem of why does the CCV find it so necessary to go after 
people who don't even live here.”
He said he is not surprised that hotels quickly choose to remove such adult 
entertainment rather than engage in litigation.
“They don't have deep pockets and these hotels are in business to make 
money, not to defend the First Amendment,” he said.
CCV officials estimate that 40 percent of the nation's hotels offer adult 
movie options, accounting for about 90 percent of pay-per-view revenue. An 
Enquirer phone survey last year showed that more than half of 20 Hamilton 
County hotels queried provided such entertainment.
H. Louis Sirkin, a First Amendment and Cincinnati trial attorney, described 
CCV as a “vigilante group” whose only power comes from prosecutors he 
claims are not protecting citizens' rights.
“What's really frightening about this is that there are local prosecutors 
who are willing to forget their constitutional oath to protect the First 
Amendment,” said Mr. Sirkin, who added that “it's really easy to scare 
people and that's what the local governments are doing to the hotels.”
Mr. Sirkin, who has represented Mr. Flynt and was defense counsel during 
the city's famous Robert Mapplethorpe obscenity trial against the 
Contemporary Arts Center exhibition of his photos in 1990, said, “It's 
disturbing to me that Cincinnati is getting a national reputation for this 
and that's one of the reasons the city is going stale.”
Travelodge management was unavailable for comment but Chester Musselman, 
CEO of Louisville-based Musselman Hotels and owner of the Comfort Suites at 
420 Riverboat Row, said this is the first time such a complaint has been 
lodged against any of his 25 hotels in Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee.
“This is not an issue to us,” Mr. Musselman said. “I'm running a business 
and I'll abide by the local laws.”
Mr. Verst stated in an Aug. 22 letter to Comfort Suites that Newport police 
will “occasionally check your business to ensure that no further such 
pornographic movies are being shown,” or criminal charges will be filed.
Mr. Burress said that “no doubt some people will label this action a 
violation of privacy (but) it's not a matter of violating privacy or of 
imposing values. It's a matter of law.
“This is not about what someone views in the privacy of their home or hotel 
room,” he said.
“This is about selling and distributing obscenity. There are state laws 
against that and major hotels are not above the law.”

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